Politics Magazine

Do People Ever Go from Gay to Straight? Are Any Conversion Or “Correction/Cure” Therapies Or Strategies Proven to Work?

Posted on the 11 December 2017 by Calvinthedog

Answered on Queera.

Some lesbians have gone from gay to straight. And some straight women have turned lesbian. It happens all the time. Just pick up the paper.

In the lab, some lesbians who were frightened of sex with men were treated with surrogates and became able to enjoy sex with men. However, the lesbians had to be highly motivated to change for this to work.

However, when I studied the histories of many women with early-onset lesbianism, I found what looks like a biological component. Somehow or other, they seemed to have just gotten wired up gay. These early-onset types are often masculine females, in some cases remarkably so. Whatever caused the masculinization of the female probably caused the lesbianism too.

Gay men can’t go straight or even bi past age 15. Nor can straight men change after age, nor bi men. We know this from endless lab studies. We have been trying to turn gay men straight in the lab for decades, and it’s never worked. I know of one sexologist who tried for decades and finally gave up. He kept having gay men coming to him wanting to change, and he started telling them that he could not take their money in good conscience as he was not able to change them.

Sexual orientation looks much more fixed in men than in women. Before age 15, no one knows. There does seem to be some evidence for sexual orientation change in childhood among a few males, but it’s very hard to study such things given the present Pedophilia Sex Panic. Can you imagine getting funding for such a thing?

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