
DIY Ideas That Help In Cleaning And Maintaining The Cleanliness Of Your Garden

Posted on the 14 October 2019 by Web Solution Winners @websolutionwinn

Most people engage someone to care for their garden; this is because they lack the knowledge necessary to modify a dull backyard into a colorful, tidy space. But did you know keeping your yard fresh and trim is associated with numerous health benefits? Besides, studies have unveiled that homeowners who participate in gardening are less likely to experience high blood pressure. They also have lower BMIs since they burn more calories. So, if you wish to have a lovely garden, you must create some time to clean it.

Below are DIY ideas to help in cleaning your garden.

1. Tidy up/ Use proper cleaning tools

Tidy up Use proper cleaning tools

Most homeowners use empty bottles and jars to plant flowers in their home gardens. With time, these jars accumulate a lot of dust and dirt. If left unattended, they make your patio appear clumsy. To avoid this, brush them with a hard-bristled brush to get rid of any dirt or debris.

If you have any furniture in your garden, ensure that it’s kept clean. You can achieve this by wiping or repainting any wooden fixtures in your garden. More so, if there are any broken pots; clear them and plant fresh plants for the ones that have withered off.

With different plants and pots, it can be challenging to clean your garden. Some people end up breaking the plants when they use the wrong cleaning tools. Fortunately, the new Tertill robot gardener can help you to tidy your garden with care. Again, you don’t have to bother about weeds; Tertill understands how to keep them out of the way! For best results, arrange your garden furniture or flower pots once your patio area has dried up.

Use home-made crafts

2. Use home-made crafts

Planting in flower pots is the best way to clean up yard debris. Whether you decide to plant flowers, vegetables, or shrubs, once they blossom, they add color and life to your property. If you have unused bottles, cans, and jars in your home, plant beautiful flowers inside and arrange them tactfully. Flowerpot crafts inspire lots of creativity, enabling you to design them as you wish. Paint, stamp or embellish them to look unique.

Paint your pots

3. Paint your pots


Bright colors are ideal for any garden. Use paint types that are basically designed for outdoor use since they adapt well to harsh weather conditions. Outdoor colors are easy to clean, and this will make it simple to clean your pots. For best results, paint your crafts in sections of varying shades. Use a painters tape to create color stripes on your jars and to mark the contents of your home-made crafts exquisitely.

4. Decoupage

Cut out pictures or words from available books in your home to decoupage your pots. Tissue paper is the best material to decoupage your jars. For the colors, opt for one variety, but if you want the garden to look more beautiful, blend them appropriately. Crease the tissue paper and shred it into tiny slices, smear decoupage glue on your pots and smooth the tissue paper pieces randomly. Top with an extra coat of decoupage glue.

5. Create space

Ensure that there’s space between your flower pots. Also, prune dry leaves and overgrown branches. Pruning boosts the growth of new leaves and keeps away pests. Plants have to be pruned to achieve the desired height, shape, and size. Other branches cross each other or grow funnily. By pruning, you ensure that your plants look well maintained, and this creates the illusion of a clean garden.


A well-maintained patio looks attractive and is an excellent spot to relax after a stressful day. To have a clean and trim outdoor area, make use of unused bottles in your home to design beautiful pots. Paint them and plant bright flowers. Remember to arrange them properly and repaint them with bright colors for a tidy, attractive garden.

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