Current Magazine

Company Sells Toilet Paper with Ads on It! Part 1 of a Two Part Story.

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

CNBC reports that Michigan company has begun selling toilet paper featuring advertising.
From the article:

“Advertisers… include a smoothie maker, insurance office and doctor’s office.

Star Toilet Paper then offers its ad-filled TP for free to venues including libraries, restaurants, bars and bowling alleys.”

3 Worse Things To Advertise On Toilet Paper Than Smoothies Or Other Food Products

1. Ad for ads on toilet paper. We imagine the ad would say “You just proved toilet paper advertising works!” To which we say, no you didn’t, unless you called the number in the ad and bought toilet paper advertising. And since these ads are appearing in bathroom bars, we really hope you aren’t intoxicated when you do this, because the only thing worse than embarrassing yourself when you are drunk is embarrassing yourself when you are drunk in bar bathrooms around the USA! Especially if you email a drunk photo of yourself in the bathroom stall from your iPhone. Good luck ever picking up again!

2. Depends diapers. Advertising a product that can be used to avoid trips to the bathroom may not be a wise business plan.

3. Marriage Proposal ads. Trust us, she’ll be much less disappointed with an ad on the scoreboard of the stadium than in the stadium’s dirty bathroom. Plus, to keep it traditional and classy, you would have to get down on one knee in a women’s bathroom, so chances are you will get ejected from the game. This does not sound like a fun way to wind up on Sports Center.

Tomorrow, visit this site for part 2 of this story!

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