Politics Magazine

All Types of Nationalists Are the Same, Except They All Want to Kill Each Other

Posted on the 13 May 2016 by Calvinthedog

It was only after I had listened to quite a few nationalists for a while that it dawned on me that they were all saying the same things but about different countries of people. Yet other than the object of their nationalism, the content of their messages was exactly the same, except that most of them hated each other.

I noticed this when I saw Greek and Turkish nationalists go at it on the web. Turks are a case study in fulminant ethnonationalism turned overtly malignant and apparently terminal as in that case, this disease in particularly morbid form has somehow infected an entire nation of some 70 million.

Then a Greek nationalist came on board, and he started off spouting this whole well crafted Greek nationalist screed. And guess what? I was shocked to see that the Greek nationalist was saying exactly the same virulent mindset, except he was saying these things about Greek people, not Turkish people.

But really the spiels were the same. Take a Turkish nationalist rant and replace the words Turk and Turkey with Greek and Greece and abra cadabra, now you automagically have a Greek nationalist, just like that! And of course vice versa.

Then I started hearing some more nationalists. Russell Means, Native American nationalist, sounded exactly like a crazed Mexican nationalist who came to the site the other day (you did not see her because she was instabanned).

Albanian nationalists sound the same as Ukrainian nationalists minus the swastika.

I never heard of an Indian nationalist until the Internet, but now that I have seen them, I must say that they are up there with the Turks as the nastiest of the nasties. Something terrible has happened to Indian people. Besides all the other ways they are screwed up, every Indian you meet is a fanatical Indian nationalist nutball. Even in my town. Somehow these Indians got exposed to one of the most sophisticated nationalist brainwashing projects in our time. I do not know who is responsible. The Indian media? The Indian educational system? Something else?

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