Debate Magazine

Abortion is the Leading Cause of Death in U.S.

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

2016 looks to be the Year of the Baby Bust.

As reported by ABC News on August 9, 2016, fertility rates in America — the number of babies born per 1,000 women ages 15 to 44 — are at the lowest levels ever recorded, according to researchers in a new report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Here’s a reason that nobody wants to talk about: Abortion.

A study by a team of scientists at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte reveals the terrible toll of abortion. It is the leading cause of death in the U.S., accounting for almost a third (32.1%) of all deaths in 2009.

The study by James Studnicki, Sharon MacKinnon, and John W. Fisher was published as “Induced Abortion, Mortality, and the Conduct of Science” in the Open Journal of Preventive Medicine on June 17, 2016.

Here’s a figure from page 173 of Studnicki, et al.‘s report, showing abortion as the leading cause of death for Hispanics, Whites, and Blacks.

YPLL by cause of death, U.S., 2009

Studnicki, et al. begin by taking issue with the fact that abortion deaths are not included among U.S. death statistics although from the standpoint of science, abortion is a human death:

“There is no credible scientific opposition to the fact that a new genetically distinct human organism begins with fertilization and that, simply stated, human life begins at conception. Nor is there dispute that, in the absence of induced abortion and with the exception of natural fetal losses, conception usually results in a live [human] birth.”

Which, of course, makes it curious why “abortion is not reported as a cause of death in the vital statistics system in the United States. Nor is this exclusion limited to the United States. Although there are nearly 200 nations where the procedure is legal, and a conservatively estimated 45-50 million [abortions] are performed annually worldwide, there is no country which considers induced abortion as a reportable death.”

The exclusion of abortion in death rates is a gaping hole in the study of demography and government policy-making concerning resource allocation because “fertility, mortality and migration are the principal determinants of population increases, decreases, and demographic composition in any nation.”

This exclusion of abortion in death rates especially impacts racial minorities in the U.S. because abortion disproportionately affects certain racial/ethnic minorities — namely, blacks and Hispanics.

Of the total 3,589,163 abortions in the U.S. in 2009, abortions accounted for:

  • 16.4% of Non-Hispanic White (NHW) deaths
  • 61.1% of Non-Hispanic Black (NHB) deaths
  • 64.0% of Hispanic deaths

In fact, abortion accounts for 2 out of every 3 deaths among Blacks and Hispanics.

For Blacks and Hispanics, homicide and suicide were also ranked in the top 10 causes of death, but both causes-of-death were far out-ranked by abortion. Abortion takes a deadlier toll among Blacks compared to other racial/ethnic groups: The abortion death rate for Blacks is 5.9 times that of Whites and 2.1 times that of Hispanics.


And so, as the study concludes that although —

“Abortion is undoubtedly the most demographically consequential cause of death for Hispanics and NHB [Blacks]. Yet, there is evidence that the scientific community is minimally engaged in informing effective public policy on the topic of abortion….

The exclusion of abortion as a cause of death, in spite of conclusive science to contrary, and the relative paucity of information and funded research on a topic of demonstrated consequence to the demographic composition of the society, may be the ultimate example of science denial…. The appropriate role of science is to inform this societal dialog with objective information. Labeling abortion as a preventable death is not an argument for restricting access to a legal abortion. However, refusing to acknowledge abortion as a death undermines the role of science and the value of transparency so fundamental to a free society.”

And yet 90+% of Blacks support Hillary Clinton, who is unconditionally and absolutely pro-abortion. They give new meaning to the term “useful idiots”.

H/t Campus Reform


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