Legal Magazine

A Message to Our Readers: Eye Surgery Forces Legal Schnauzer to Take a Break from the Blogosphere

Posted on the 11 May 2022 by Rogershuler @RogerShuler
A message to our readers: Eye surgery forces Legal Schnauzer to take a break from the blogosphere 

I will be undergoing cataract surgery over roughly the next two weeks, so Legal Schnauzer will go on hiatus while I focus on getting my vision back in focus. The right eye will receive treatment first, followed by a break for healing, and then the left eye.

This is my first experience with an eye-related procedure, so there is some nervousness involved. But I am in good medical hands, and I am deeply grateful for that. The cataracts definitely are affecting my vision, so it is time for them to go -- and I look forward to bidding them farewell. Wish me luck,, and I look forward to rejoining you in the blogger world before too long. Our best to all of you, from the Schnauzer family.

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