Debate Magazine

4- and 5-year-olds Engaged in Oral Sex at California Lutheran Pre-school

Posted on the 04 February 2013 by Eowyn @DrEowyn

FOTM has published many posts on how America’s public government schools are dysfunctional. Our beloved DCG ends some of her posts on this subject with the sentence: “Reason number xxx to home school.” At last count, she is now at number 999,999.

There are now so many reasons, henceforth I’ll just use the infinity symbol

So here’s Reason No.  why you should home school your precious children.

A preschool in Southern California is closing after parents discovered 4- and 5-year-old students were engaged in sexual activity among themselves. To top it off, the preschool is not even government-run, but a private religious one — that of a Lutheran church!


Elex Michaelson reports for Los Angeles’ KABC-TV7, Feb. 1, 2013, that parents of students at the First Lutheran Church of Carson (pre)School say their children had engaged in sexual activities with each other. As a result of those allegations, the school is now shutting down

Richard McCarthy says his 4-year-old son and at least another boy often received oral sex at school from a 5-year-old girl, and that his son “told me about all the bad things that girl had been doing to him. It went down in the classroom, it went down in the bathroom and it went down out on the playground. The two boys that have been introduced to this feeling that they don’t know how to process are still looking for it, and trying to make it happen.”
The California Department of Social Services cited the school for at least one sexual incident between the kids, overall lack of supervision and an improper teacher-child ratio.


McCarthy (above) and other parents are now joining attorney Greg Owen’s lawsuit against the school and the church. “To boil it all down, it comes to supervision,” Owens said. The lawyer will file the suit today.

Parents are angry they were only given two weeks’ notice that the school is shutting down for now. Church leaders wouldn’t go on camera, but told Eyewitness News off-camera that there were “only” two incidents involving inappropriate touching among the kids, and those cases are closed.

They also said the school is closing because the director is leaving for personal reasons, and no teacher wants the job. They insisted student sex has nothing to do with the closure, something McCarthy said is a lie.

McCarthy says after the school told him his son was acting up again, he rushed to campus. Fighting back tears, the father said “I just had to keep yelling in his ear, ‘You’re not in trouble, you’re not in trouble!’  And I just told him, ‘You’re never coming back here again for these people to do this to you.’”

But now, he doesn’t know where to send his son: “There’s no way I can just take him to another school and be that parent that just lets a predator loose. How else do you explain it?”

The school is set to close next Friday. Parents say the girl accused of the oral sex is no longer at the school.


The Daily Mail reports that attorney Owen (above) will file a suit today in the Los Angeles County Superior Court against the school, the church, the principal, the teacher, and an alleged child perpetrator. He is representing four alleged victims who, because of their age, cannot be identified under law. Owen said the children’s “lives will be ruined in many ways. And we know there are many more [victims].”

Now, McCarthy and other parents are concerned that their children, after being inappropriately exposed to sexual behavior at such a young age, may become sexual predators themselves.

“There’s no way I can just take him to another school and be that parent that just lets a predator loose,” McCarthy said. “How else do you explain it?”

Owen said, “Parents are saying, ‘My child is now a predator. Now how can I let him go to another school?’ I have talked to three of the parents who have not been able to, but I would think there are schools around. ‘There were many children lying there and they watched these acts. In our business and in psychological terms, that’s sexualizing a child at a young age.”

In an exclusive interview with KABC-TV, the mother of the little girl alleged to have given oral sex to the boys said her 5-year-old daughter was caught by a teacher inside a bathroom at school giving oral sex to a 4-year-old boy. The unnamed mother said:

“It’s unfathomable on so many levels. For one, that it actually happened. For two, where it happened. For three, how often something happened. The way that she [her daughter] explained it, it was kind of like it was an everyday thing…from pulling the pants down to exposing themselves to, you know, trying to get somebody to put their mouth on the privates.”

The mother insisted investigators had found no evidence of child abuse at her home.

That being said, there is no way that a 5-year-old girl would know about oral sex, even less perform oral sex on boys, without having been sexually abused herself.


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