Lifestyle Magazine

11 of My Favourite Flower Power Wedding Ideas!

By Claire

My top 11 wed­ding ideas — flower power style!

I asked you to share ideas and inspi­ra­tion for a bright, excit­ing, slightly bohemian and hippy wed­ding theme — in a nut­shell I wanted ‘Flower Power’ wed­ding ideas as an anti­dote to all the Great Gatsby hys­te­ria. And boy did you share some lovely ideas :) So here are my 11 favourites from the items you shared last week. I hope you love them too!

flower power wedding ideas

Flower Power — two words to inspire a world of dif­fer­ent wed­ding ideas

Those flower power wed­ding ideas con­trib­u­tors — from the top:

  1. Use retro print jars and con­tain­ers for your flow­ers to jazz up dis­plays. Photo credit Simon Bif­fen Photography
  2. Get cre­ative with fab­u­lous designer flo­ral wed­ding shoes by Le Soulier
  3. It doesn’t get more ‘flower power’ than Bunny Deli­cious’s quirky Orders of Ser­vice with camper­van illus­tra­tion detail! Love these!
  4. Cover your tiered wed­ding cake with bright, state­ment flow­ers. A col­lab­o­ra­tion between Diva Cakes and the amaz­ing Red Flo­ral, shown pre­vi­ously on Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog
  5. Cute place names with bright colours and a camper­van theme — Bunny Deli­cious
  6. … and from the same col­lec­tion, these wed­ding invi­ta­tions fea­ture a cute camper­van and bright rib­bon
  7. Photo credit for the bright bou­quet of flow­ers is Pep­per­mint Love
  8. This incred­i­ble con­tem­po­rary brooch bou­quet is from Pump­kin & Pye
  9. Beau­ti­ful flo­rals in sub­tle blue tones — by Penny Wren Wed­ding Stationery
  10. The tractor-riding flower girl (isn’t she fab?!) wears a lib­erty print dress by Brides­maids Boutique
  11. Last but not least, I adore the ‘Love You Today…’ print from Bub­ble and Pop Designs

There’s more! Visit my Flower Power wed­ding ideas board on Pin­ter­est (and fol­low me for more! Find me at

Spe­cial thanks to Zoe from Bunny Deli­cious who shared dozens of lovely ideas for this fea­ture. I couldn’t include them all in the top 11 but if you’d like to see more then here is a quick pre­view of Zoe’s camper­van wed­ding sta­tionery col­lec­tion.

campervan wedding ideas

Camper­van wed­ding sta­tionery made in the UK by the fab­u­lous and funky Bunny Deli­cious

You can also check out the Bunny Deli­cious gal­leries on Pin­ter­est and visit the offi­cial site here:


Cre­ative bunting in bold pat­terns and colours — this is from one of my all time favorite wed­ding blogs — photo credit Sam Clay­ton Pho­tog­ra­phy. Click for more!

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