Animals & Wildlife Magazine

World Ocean Temps Spike to +1.26 Positive Anomaly as Antarctic Polar Amplification Ramps Up

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers

World Ocean Temps Spike to +1.26 Positive Anomaly as Antarctic Polar Amplification Ramps UpOriginally posted on robertscribbler:

Prospects for a moderate to strong El Nino are fading even as the eventual emergence of El Nino this year grows increasingly in doubt. But despite the failure of a weather system which tends to both spike global sea surface temperatures and atmospheric temperature values, the world’s oceans are screaming with heat, today entering hottest yet daily values for 2014 of 1.26 degrees above the already hotter than normal 1979-2000 average.


The monster Kelvin Wave that so many forecasters believed would set off a moderate-to-powerful El Nino this year by as soon as this summer was crushed by a failure of atmospheric feedbacks. Strong westerly winds did not emerge and powerful high pressure systems both north and south of the Equator kept fueling the easterly trades, which tended to over-ride west wind systems when they did emerge. One of these high pressure zones was the doggedly persistent blocking high…

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