Community Magazine

Why You Won’t Find Jam in My House

By Eemusings @eemusings

You won't ever find jam in my pantry.

The reason goes back to that very first year I lived on my own.

I studied mostly, and I worked where I could, and my budget was incredibly tight. It looked something like this.

$165 living costs (rent and all inclusive bills)
$30 groceries
$20 for bus fare

I had about $20 left over every week. A bag of chips or a block of chocolate was a splurge. (Things like the time I slammed my hand in a door and had to go to the doctor in a rush threw everything off.)

I ate a crap ton of jam sandwiches. I packed them in brown paper bags. I had a sweet tooth, and figured there was fruit in the jam so it must be somewhat healthy.

(Yeah, I relate everything back to food, but what did you expect from me?)

As my budget eventually loosened up my lunches became more varied. I stopped eating jam outright. I'd overloaded to the max and I couldn't stomach it any longer. Plus, it reminded me of my brokest days.

I don't eat jam anymore, though the day may come when I buy it again. I might even try making it - I have an overachieving guava tree and more guavas than I know what to do with, though I don't particularly like the fruit.

What do you associate with your broke days?

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