Debate Magazine

Why This Evangelical Voted for Trump

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Some problems we are facing in America: 

ms-13 ISIS-571518 Hillary makes devil sign racist obama iran-sailor-hostages  occupy_dayton  Closed Auto Plant in Detroit North-Korea-military-001 baltimore riots gun_rights_slaves.preview  bakery Bernie-Sanders-Mouse-Trap

Why Trump seems like the better choice

I could have voted for Ted Cruz. I like and admire Ted. But every time another news story erupts about the economy, the military, the courts, the Mexican border, ISIS or their fellow jihadists of all flavors, the first person to read my thoughts and say what I am thinking is Donald Trump.

Donald is faster to a bold decision than Ted, which means is that Donald is a better executive. An executive weighs available info and makes decisions, and then calls in people with other skills to work out the details. Donald is an executive. Ted is not.

~ TD

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