Fitness Magazine

Who Wrote This Training Plan Anyway?

By Khourianya @khourianya
That is what I've been wondering as I charge my Garmin each week...12k? AGAIN?   And then I remember...I wrote it.  I probably shouldn't be allowed to do that.  So this time, I decided to set myself a goal.

Cori - your goal on THIS 12k is to hit 7k in around an hour!
Wha?  I'm setting goals now?   Crazysauce!
So - I headed into the city.  I was running solo, but I was determined to do it while it was still nice and cool out!
I parked at the parking space we rent for hubby )booyah!  Saved $3 right there - that's practically coffee! Lookit me be all budget conscious!) and ran the 1k toward Eau Claire and the washroom.
Who wrote this training plan anyway?
Beautiful morning for a run.  I even had a pace squirrel on the way!
Who wrote this training plan anyway?
Of course, the silly bugger was going the wrong way.  Fat lotta help that was.
Something was going on at Eau Claire (as per most summer weekends) and there was a huge crowd and live band I made the quick decision to take a swift pitstop and then head East.  I'd run through St Patricks again and carry on east past Inglewood to the 7k mark and turn around.   That should bring me to 12k at Eau Claire and allow me to enjoy my coffee on the walk back to my car.
Unfortunately, an eastbound start at 8am means running into the sun.  I was thankful for the trees.  and found myself really wishing I could wear hats to run.
Who wrote this training plan anyway?
Who wrote this training plan anyway?
I liked this little glimpse of the top of the Calgary tower between the buildings.
Who wrote this training plan anyway?
Before long, I was at the skipping stone bridge and on my way to the island.
Who wrote this training plan anyway?
So pretty.
Who wrote this training plan anyway?
I tightroped along the edge of the low bridge.
Who wrote this training plan anyway?
Who wrote this training plan anyway?
Zoomed across the ventilated bridge.
Who wrote this training plan anyway?
Took a left and up over the original wood footbridge.
Who wrote this training plan anyway?
I took a quick pitstop at the washrooms here (time to bladder train again or I'll be peeing my way through Fish Creek park on race day)
Then it was time to leave the island.  One quick glimpse in wonder that the cheap looking bistro tables are still there.  They are pretty but I so can't see them lasting.
Who wrote this training plan anyway?
and then it was time to keep going.  I was just on the other side of the zoo parking lot and I was suddenly whisked up onto the Inglewood Bridge!
Who wrote this training plan anyway?
What?  The path used to keep going on the north side of the river.  This was new.  I had been pep talking myself that when I saw the water snakes sunning themselves, I would take a picture instead of screaming.   Now that wasn't going to happen.
oh who are we kidding - it wasn't going to happen anyway - those suckers freak me out.
Luckily the path on the south side is incredibly beautiful, full of shady spots and winds through the forest by the weir.  I could live with the change in route.
Who wrote this training plan anyway?
Who wrote this training plan anyway?
Soon, I was creeping up on one hour and wondering if I would be making my 7k goal... close...
Who wrote this training plan anyway?
Just 3 mins later I was there...
Who wrote this training plan anyway?
Not too shabby.  I had been running fairly steadily and, had I not had to have that pitstop on the island - I would have made it.   Huzzah!  7k in an hour means a 3 hour half if I can maintain it.   That is my hope for Harvest.
So 7k meant turnaround time and I was then heading back into civilization.  Instead of taking Inglewood Bridge across, I decided to stay on the south side the whole way.
Who wrote this training plan anyway?
Who wrote this training plan anyway?
Who wrote this training plan anyway?
As I ran into Inglewood, I passed some road construction that had the strangest smell - it was like tar with a sharp aftertaste of KFC.  Most strange indeed.
As I was pondering this strange thought, I suddenly realized there was rustling to my right and the tinkling of a bell and I nearly jumped out of my skin!  Turns out I was about to make a super friendly little guy.  Silly me - didn't check his collar for a nametag.  But he sure wanted to snuggle me (despite his disgusted face in this shot)
Who wrote this training plan anyway?
My energy was flagging, but I wasn't thinking anything of it...just taking lots of walk breaks but always moving forward.
Who wrote this training plan anyway?
Yeah - slow was not going to be a problem.
And was this island always here?  I don't think it was.
Who wrote this training plan anyway?
and this bridge?  DEFINITELY wasn't here last time.  Not complaining!  It was lovely to see.
Who wrote this training plan anyway?
and to run over. Who wrote this training plan anyway?
It spit me out right behind Fort Calgary.
Who wrote this training plan anyway?
and as Bloom came into view across the river...
Who wrote this training plan anyway?
 I realized why I was walking so much.
Stupid fueling.  I am so out of practice, I had forgotten to take my Gu.  Ah well - better late than never.  Perhaps it will power me through the homestretch.
Who wrote this training plan anyway?
In the last kilometre, they were setting up for WingFest and there was this group of Crazy Cat Ladies with signs.  I loved this one.  I snapped a pic and then had to hightail it.  They were in recruiting mode and started to circle me.....
Who wrote this training plan anyway?
But I can definitely say I am ready to Embrace the Crazy. In so many ways.
then - before I knew it - I was done.  12k in under 2 hours.  Not great but really really not bad for me.
Who wrote this training plan anyway?
Time for cawfee.  I really prefer The Bean Stop to Good Earth these days at Eau Claire.  Much nicer coffee.
Who wrote this training plan anyway?
and my cup sleeve made me giggle.
Who wrote this training plan anyway?
Until next time!

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