Politics Magazine

Where Nature Screwed Up: The Conundrum of the 13 Year Old Girl

Posted on the 26 February 2017 by Calvinthedog

Nowadays 13 year old girls have most all gone through sexarche, which brings along with it a roaring sex drive and a desire to have sex with other people. Most 13 year old girls are masturbating to orgasm on a regular, often daily basis. We need to come to terms somehow with the fact that girls this age are fully sexual human beings with all the feelings and desires that go along with that.

I don’t quite know what to do about this, but masturbation should surely be allowed. I would much rather have girls that age masturbating than having sex.

That’s pretty young to be having sex. It’s doubtful whether most 13 year old girls are mature enough to handle sex with other people which can result in pregnancy, STD’s, etc,  although it is quite difficult for girls this age to get pregnant.

Girls are very childlike and immature at this age, and it’s hard to see how they are mature enough to handle sex. Many adults are barely mature enough to handle sex with other people. So you have what amounts to a little girl with the mind of a child who also has the beginnings of a woman’s body and a woman’s full sex drive. Honestly it would be better if the sex drive came on later when girls are more mature and able to deal with realities of sex. This mismatch between a human with a child’s mind and a woman’s body seems to be an error of nature.

In the meantime, parents and society have to deal with the conundrum of sexually active 13 year old girls, which is something I don’t even like the idea of. Nevertheless we need to somehow as a society figure out what to do about this.

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