Family Magazine

Where Do Babies Come From?

By Umkhaloodie

Oodie just met the kittens-
Here’s how it went..

‘Mummy, why did she have mouses?’

‘No sweetie, they are baby cats, they will get bigger.’

‘No but mummy, look at their tail, they are mouses’.

‘No honey, they are baby kittens.’

Moving on…… He noticed the swollen fufu.


‘What sweetie?’

‘So they came from her butt right?’

…. Shit, what the hell do I say?

‘No sweetie, no, they came out of her mouth, she vomited them out, her butt is like that because she did a big poo’

……………. Shoot me. I was not having the ”where babies come from” discussion with a 3 year old.

On a side note: mom and babies are doing great!





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