Religion Magazine

What Will You Nail to the Cross Today?

By Jenrene
What Will You Nail to the Cross today?

photo by Billy Alexander

A few weeks ago I had this wonderful experience. I met Jesus at the Cross. I was at a Women’s Encounter at my church, similar to a women’s conference and it  blew my mind  when we had to complete an exercise where I had to nail some things I struggle with to the cross. I was given a nail and informed to NAME the nail  for what I tend to struggle with in life and  I would like Jesus to satisfy fully within me. I was instructed to take the nail to the cross and let Jesus ‘ work satisfy that work as being a ”Finished” work. In order that I would no longer struggle with it any longer.

Long story short… I NAILED to the cross “generational insecurity” to the cross. Many tend to think the things they are in secure about,  no one else has the same struggle to the degree they do, nor do they tend to think it’s possible to overcome.  What I  know about being me” for several years is that  insecurity has robbed my peace. It has been “hidden” deep within the recesses of my soul,  to the point  I never understood it. Sometimes when I cannot fully understand myself, it tends to creep back in, and cause me to doubt myself or causes me to feel as though I am not enough. I wanted once and for all the fight to be over; and not just with me, but also with all of my generations of women in my family and also  with those  in whom I am in relationship.

I am declaring TODAY,  It is Finished. Since I prayed this prayer and completed this action, my life has taken on a new turn. Not only do I have a level of awareness about myself and know “I am fearfully and wonderfully made” in God ( Ps 139:14) I no longer compare myself to others, I just accept who I am in Christ, and know that I am hidden. And if someone else doesn’t accept it, it’s not because of me, it’s because they have to take some things to the cross themselves. Selah.

My attitude  is gravitating towards a “healthier me”- more self-acceptance and  I have a tenacity to work on “me” like never before! Knowing I cannot do this completely, without God’s help. I feel comfortable with things in my life, I have NEVER felt comfortable about. And I can stop the negative self-talk, as I meditate on what God’s word says about me. What Victory!

What if we “all” took our “issue” that we needed to be freed from, and  NAILED IT  IN  to the Cross – once and for all?  Jesus sacrificed His life for us. He did this so that we might understand DEATH shall no longer reign  in what He has redeemed, and that’s US. What if we fully let go, and told God once and for all:

 ’I am tired Lord of dealing with this struggle and I now accept your complete work on the Cross for me,  completely. Thanks for redeeming me.’

Copyright ~ All rights reserved ~JenRene Owens


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