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What If My German Shepherd Gets Ear Infection? How To Prevent It?

By Junefrazier

One of the most noticeable genetic traits of German Shepherds is their beautiful upright ears. With such characteristic, their ears are less prone to infections. The air can circulate more easily which makes their ears much dryer than some other breeds with floppy ears.

If you're one of those German Shepherd owners, it must be a great relief to know you have something less to worry about.

But, is your dog really free from ear infection? Think again.

Although German Shepherds have these large erect ears to protect them from possible health risks, they can still get ear infections. But the good news is they are preventable and treatments are always available.

Why German Shepherds Get Ear Infection?

One of the common reasons why German Shepherds get an ear infection is from the environment. When you take your dog outside for a quick run or fetch, it can be exposed to environmental elements that can be a source of bacteria and microorganisms.

P ollens from grasses, flowers, or trees also make your dog more susceptible to ear infections, especially if it suffers from allergies.

Ear mites can also cause ear infections. If your German Shepherd gets into physical contact with an infected dog or animal or wanders around its area, there's a huge probability your German Shepherd will get infected as well. These ear mites are highly contagious and spread rapidly if preventive measures are not applied immediately.

You should also be aware of what you feed your dog and what it is allergic to. Food allergy is also one of the main factors why your dog gets an ear infection. Once the allergy is triggered, it will be visible through the infections in its ears. By this time, your dog's immune system will drop and it will be more vulnerable to yeast infec tion.

If your German Shepherd persistently scratches its ears while the yeast infection is present, it will cause a secondary bacterial infection that will require immediate treatment from your vet.

Observe The Symptoms

If you're still unsure whether your dog has ear infections or not, you should watch out for the following symptoms:

  • Inflammation
  • ​Foul odor from the ears
  • ​Scratching its ears more frequently
  • ​Excessive wax and dirt build up
  • ​Loss of balance
  • ​Hair loss around the ears
  • ​Rubs its ears on the floor, furniture, or wall
  • ​Changes in dog behavior
  • Ears are hot and painful to touch
  • Pawing the ear

Have you seen any of these signs? If yes, it is not too late to prevent the infection from getting worse. Don't worry!

How To Prevent Ear Infections

To prevent any severe ear problems in the future, it is essential to take precautionary measures as soon as possible. You may have to change the grooming routine to keep your German Shepherd's upright ears clean and infection-free!

Here are some tips you can do:

Consult Your Vet

There are cases where dogs still get ear infections despite regular grooming and proper treatment. If this also happens to your German Shepherd, it is a significant step to consult your vet immediately to rule out if there's an underlying problem that causes the infections.

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