Fashion Magazine

What Are the Ingredients in Your Style Recipe?

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

Style Recipe Ingredients

Style recipes help to shape your style. They give you a framework and the ingredients you need when shopping for clothes or putting together outfits.

I think they are an essential element of becoming truly stylish in an authentic way. I've written about them many times and why you must have one - which you can read here, plus I'll link at the bottom of the post to further reading on style recipes (or style statements or style words, depending on what you want to call them).

What are the Ingredients in Your Style Recipe?

So when I read a conversation about the ingredients of style recipes on my private 7 Steps to Style group, I asked the members if I could share their thoughts with you as I think they provide some great inspiration into finding a style recipe that works for you.

It seems to me that we use our style words in different ways and in different levels of detail (all of which are excellent, and suit everyone individually).

I know for myself, I have distilled mine down to two words, which actually to me, mean a bunch of different things. In fact, I've written about my 2 word style recipe here.

Style Recipe Inspiration

I describe my style as 'Sprightly Pragmatic'. Sprightly = quirky, colourful, with a hint of cheekiness, underlying energy, vibrant, vim, interested, curious. Pragmatic = comfortable, situation-specific, practical, unfussy, warm, decent quality, natural shapes or softness, not restrictive or boxy.

Mine are currently still:

  • Comfortable
  • Flattering
  • Approachable
  • Vibrant
  • Chic
  • An O twist (boho/retro)
  • These are all fairly straightforward descriptors. I'm a pretty straightforward kind of gal I guess

I can't say that I invoke my words every time I select an item; my words are more descriptive of what I love. My recipe is romantic theatrical bohemian with empathy. The empathy is that I need one item as a conversation piece to encourage social interactions.

Understated Elegance

  • in low key, effortless, relaxed, subtle - translates to simple lines in comfortable clothes.
  • in composed, graceful, refined, balanced - translates as soft tactile fabrics, closely considered palette of Serene colours, pared back use of accessories

Fluid adventurer - but that may change if I take a second look in a while.

  • Fluid: flowy, movement, always changing, teardrop shapes, rounded shapes and prints.
  • Adventurer: practical, comfortable, not afraid to experiment, independent. I did use this recipe to make some outfits, and some did work, but some didn't. It needs tweaking, I think it isn't complete yet.

Idyllic Femme Fatale

  • Idyllic works well for the rural parts of my life yet it is beautiful and serene.
  • Femme Fatale has the mystery and alluring quality but suggests that there is a brain behind the look.

I also have a group of words I use structured, detailed, timeless and symmetrical. I haven't yet found a way to get those into fewer word.

I realized with greater clarity recently just how simple my classic style choices are. My style character vignette still works well but I had a little fun with another style descriptor.

"Simple full-bodied classic. Occasional top-notes of ballet, nautical or sporty. Understated refined finish. Pairs well with a serene palette (sic)."

My words are calm, soft, simple, natural, and graceful. Although truthfully, I could probably stop at calm and hit the mark 90 percent of the time. It is the one word that others will invariably use to describe me, whether my lifelong BFF or someone who met me five minutes ago. Because I am striving to look like "me," that is the word my outfits need to reflect.

My style phrase is Sensual Elegance with the style recipe: Sensual, mysterious, comfortable, friendly, creative.

  • Sensual - soft, feminine, touchable (as in fabric), feast for the eyes, quiet (not noisy fabric or accessories), makes me feel happy wearing the piece/s, must LOVE the piece/s (except basics which may be simply functional).
  • Elegance - feminine, refined, classic shapes, graceful, flattering
  • Mysterious - playful, whimsical, quirky, unexpected, fairy-like, gossamer, lacy, soulful

Still a work in progress but normally fits pretty well.

My current recipe is Innovative Spine.

  • Innovative because I like to experiment, be creative, and have my clothes be versatile and resilient yet still comfortable and feminine.
  • Spine = flexibility, strength/confidence, earthy/elemental aspects, edginess, and polished.

These words are not perfect, and I struggle with adding feminine and softer aspects to my style, but they work for now.

Other words I use are Quiet Rebel, natural, textured, armored and approachable - although I do not aim to be approachable all the time.

My phrase is Authentic Treasure.

  • Authentic means to dress for myself, as myself. This means practical and comfortable pieces for my lifestyle now. I'm also not afraid to alter a garment to better suit my needs.
  • Treasure often results from a hunt in a vintage store or being patient and waiting for the right coloured pair of trousers. It also reflects my preferences for long lasting clothes, recycled pieces and sustainability.

If I go shopping for clothes, they should be 'classic-relaxed with interest, in natural materials'. Silhouettes should be 'clean, but lively and a bit sexy'.

Outfit combinations should be 'sensuous and high contrast, both in colour and texture'.

Finally the details: 'festive statement accessories and prints'.

What is your style recipe and what are the ingredients? I'd love to know - please share here in the comments!

How to Create a Style Recipe - Further Reading

Finding your style recipeWhat is your style recipe?How to find and develop your unique styleWhat's the one thing you must do to be stylishHow language impacts upon your styleWhat's your signature style?Discover your signature styleWhy you should be authentic in your dressTips on how to cultivate your styleHow to discover your style superhighwayHow 3-5 style guidelines are all you needAsking the
What are the Ingredients in Your Style Recipe?
questions to find your personal style statement

Style Recipe Ingredients

Style recipes help to shape your style. They give you a framework and the ingredients you need when shopping for clothes or putting together outfits.

I think they are an essential element of becoming truly stylish in an authentic way. I've written about them many times and why you must have one - which you can read here, plus I'll link at the bottom of the post to further reading on style recipes (or style statements or style words, depending on what you want to call them).

What are the Ingredients in Your Style Recipe?

So when I read a conversation about the ingredients of style recipes on my private 7 Steps to Style group, I asked the members if I could share their thoughts with you as I think they provide some great inspiration into finding a style recipe that works for you.

It seems to me that we use our style words in different ways and in different levels of detail (all of which are excellent, and suit everyone individually).

I know for myself, I have distilled mine down to two words, which actually to me, mean a bunch of different things. In fact, I've written about my 2 word style recipe here.

Style Recipe Inspiration

I describe my style as 'Sprightly Pragmatic'. Sprightly = quirky, colourful, with a hint of cheekiness, underlying energy, vibrant, vim, interested, curious. Pragmatic = comfortable, situation-specific, practical, unfussy, warm, decent quality, natural shapes or softness, not restrictive or boxy.

Mine are currently still:

  • Comfortable
  • Flattering
  • Approachable
  • Vibrant
  • Chic
  • An O twist (boho/retro)
  • These are all fairly straightforward descriptors. I'm a pretty straightforward kind of gal I guess

I can't say that I invoke my words every time I select an item; my words are more descriptive of what I love. My recipe is romantic theatrical bohemian with empathy. The empathy is that I need one item as a conversation piece to encourage social interactions.

Understated Elegance

  • in low key, effortless, relaxed, subtle - translates to simple lines in comfortable clothes.
  • in composed, graceful, refined, balanced - translates as soft tactile fabrics, closely considered palette of Serene colours, pared back use of accessories

Fluid adventurer - but that may change if I take a second look in a while.

  • Fluid: flowy, movement, always changing, teardrop shapes, rounded shapes and prints.
  • Adventurer: practical, comfortable, not afraid to experiment, independent. I did use this recipe to make some outfits, and some did work, but some didn't. It needs tweaking, I think it isn't complete yet.

Idyllic Femme Fatale

  • Idyllic works well for the rural parts of my life yet it is beautiful and serene.
  • Femme Fatale has the mystery and alluring quality but suggests that there is a brain behind the look.

I also have a group of words I use structured, detailed, timeless and symmetrical. I haven't yet found a way to get those into fewer word.

I realized with greater clarity recently just how simple my classic style choices are. My style character vignette still works well but I had a little fun with another style descriptor.

"Simple full-bodied classic. Occasional top-notes of ballet, nautical or sporty. Understated refined finish. Pairs well with a serene palette (sic)."

My words are calm, soft, simple, natural, and graceful. Although truthfully, I could probably stop at calm and hit the mark 90 percent of the time. It is the one word that others will invariably use to describe me, whether my lifelong BFF or someone who met me five minutes ago. Because I am striving to look like "me," that is the word my outfits need to reflect.

My style phrase is Sensual Elegance with the style recipe: Sensual, mysterious, comfortable, friendly, creative.

  • Sensual - soft, feminine, touchable (as in fabric), feast for the eyes, quiet (not noisy fabric or accessories), makes me feel happy wearing the piece/s, must LOVE the piece/s (except basics which may be simply functional).
  • Elegance - feminine, refined, classic shapes, graceful, flattering
  • Mysterious - playful, whimsical, quirky, unexpected, fairy-like, gossamer, lacy, soulful

Still a work in progress but normally fits pretty well.

My current recipe is Innovative Spine.

  • Innovative because I like to experiment, be creative, and have my clothes be versatile and resilient yet still comfortable and feminine.
  • Spine = flexibility, strength/confidence, earthy/elemental aspects, edginess, and polished.

These words are not perfect, and I struggle with adding feminine and softer aspects to my style, but they work for now.

Other words I use are Quiet Rebel, natural, textured, armored and approachable - although I do not aim to be approachable all the time.

My phrase is Authentic Treasure.

  • Authentic means to dress for myself, as myself. This means practical and comfortable pieces for my lifestyle now. I'm also not afraid to alter a garment to better suit my needs.
  • Treasure often results from a hunt in a vintage store or being patient and waiting for the right coloured pair of trousers. It also reflects my preferences for long lasting clothes, recycled pieces and sustainability.

If I go shopping for clothes, they should be 'classic-relaxed with interest, in natural materials'. Silhouettes should be 'clean, but lively and a bit sexy'.

Outfit combinations should be 'sensuous and high contrast, both in colour and texture'.

Finally the details: 'festive statement accessories and prints'.

What is your style recipe and what are the ingredients? I'd love to know - please share here in the comments!

How to Create a Style Recipe - Further Reading

Finding your style recipeWhat is your style recipe?How to find and develop your unique styleWhat's the one thing you must do to be stylishHow language impacts upon your styleWhat's your signature style?Discover your signature styleWhy you should be authentic in your dressTips on how to cultivate your styleHow to discover your style superhighwayHow 3-5 style guidelines are all you needAsking the
What are the Ingredients in Your Style Recipe?
questions to find your personal style statement
What are the Ingredients in Your Style Recipe?

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