Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Weekend Walkabout / Sundays in My City: Lakewood, Ohio

By Zen_sheila @BeZensational
It’s Weekend Walkabout over at KB’s Room and Sundays in My City at Unknown Mami’s.

This weekend I’d like to show you beautiful Lakewood Ohio.  Well actually it’s just a very small piece of it.  I’m highlighting some great old houses and our beautiful Lake Erie as seen from the shore in Lakewood.

Weekend Walkabout / Sundays in my City: Lakewood, Ohio
Weekend Walkabout / Sundays in my City: Lakewood, Ohio
Weekend Walkabout / Sundays in my City: Lakewood, Ohio
Weekend Walkabout / Sundays in my City: Lakewood, Ohio

Weekend Walkabout / Sundays in my City: Lakewood, Ohio

Downtown Cleveland in distance


Weekend Walkabout / Sundays in my City: Lakewood, Ohio

Canada way on the other side

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