Religion Magazine

We Have a Big Birthday Coming up

By Familyfriends @familyfriends_

We have a big birthday coming up in our family. Well for some of us every year is a big one. And for some of us birthday is more like a curse-day. But this is really a birthday worth celebrating. My grand- father is turning 90 years old. It is not 30 50 or even 70, it is a big number. Just to be alive for that many years is something to celebrate. And of course my family realize that He has fewer years ahead than he has lived. We will not be able to have him for much longer, even if he reach even a bigger number like 100 and that might be the case for him who has a body like a 60 year old. But still he will soon leave us. And that day will be a huge loss for our family. He will be greatly missed. He is very much loved and respected by his family. But that day will also be a day of celebration, that will be a day when a bigger, much bigger party will be held – IN HEAVEN! celebration_2I know that because my Grand father in his twenties decided to let Jesus in his heart. He became a new born Christian. That changed everything for him. Suddenly He lived his live with an eternal perspective. So that moment he will take his last breathe in this life, He will continue to live in heaven. And not just that he will finally stand face to face with Jesus. He will finally se the King he so faithfully served during his life.  He can finally see the Creator in who’s image He was created. All because my grand father decided in his heart to let Jesus in and with that received Jesus life. THAT is something to CELEBRATE. Sometimes we forget to have a perspective and focus on heaven and eternity. All of us will not have as many years as my Grandfather. But we all have a decision to make if we want to live with Jesus in our heart, to believe that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. I know that my grandmother and grandfather experienced many difficult times during their life together. It has not always been a sunny walk in the park. But they have not left their hope and faith. It has been a true blessing for me to have him with us for so long and one of the reasons is simply so my children have had the change to get to know him.   When he turn ninety we will all celebrate the many years he has been blessed, and it is really something to plan a party for. BUT we will also celebrate the life he has when his days are over in this life.  If you havn’t decided yet, do it now! Invite Jesus to your heart. Accept his love and grace. Tell Him to forgive your sin and receive his forgiveness. Receive his Holy spirit as a gift for all who believes. You have just created a party- in heaven! So what are you waiting for, let’s celebrate!

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