Entertainment Magazine

Warner Music Canada Caps JUNO Weekend with an Epic Party 50 Years in the Making!

Posted on the 08 April 2017 by Hendrik Pape @soundcheckblg

We've developed a close relationship with the folks at Warner Music Canada and the artists that they represent. It was an honour and thrill for us to be invited to the Lowertown Brewery in downtown Ottawa for their JUNO After Party to celebrate 50 years of Warner Music in Canada.

It had already been a busy day and by the time the JUNO Awards broadcast had wrapped up and all of the artist photographs and interviews were completed it was getting close to 11pm. The thought had definitely crossed my mind to pack it in and head down the 416 towards home but after having missed out on JUNOfest and the epic ole party there was no way I was going to miss out on the Warner Party, even if it meant only going for a short time.

By the time I arrived, shortly before midnight, the party was in full swing with blues music filling the air led by members of JUNO award winners MonkeyJunk.

This was my first visit to the Lowertown Brewery but I have a feeling it won't be my last. The beer was excellent and the venue very spacious considering the amount of people that turned out and a full stage setup there was still plenty of room to move around and mingle amongst the stars in the room.

As the party rolled on soon Jim Cuddy took to the stage to perform a few of his and Blue Rodeo's popular hits before being joined by Ben Kowalewicz of Billy Talent. Cuddy told the crowd that Ben had wanted to sing "Hasn't Hit Me Yet" so that's what they did and the result was magic!

Although I left shortly after Cuddy and Kowalewicz had wrapped up their joint set it wasn't before catching up with Max from the Arkells followed by a reunion of sorts with Jim Cuddy. I first met Jim in Pembroke in 2007 while a member of the Pembroke Kinsmen Club. We had booked his band for a fundraising show, although I wasn't 100% certain of the date it, by chance, turned out to be April 2, 2007...exactly 10 years before that night.

Dave DiUbaldo stuck around for a few more hours after I left and continued to capture photos of the event to commemorate Warner Canada's anniversary and the finale of the JUNO Awards weekend in Ottawa. Checkout the full gallery below.

For more information on Warner Music Canada and the artists they represent visit: www.warnermusic.ca

I'd like to personally thank Mary Jelly and Dave Stelling for everything they've done for us over the past few years, we look forward to continuing our relationship with Warner and their roster into the future.

Warner Music Canada caps JUNO Weekend with an epic party 50 years in the making!

Field Service Tech by day, Live Music Nut by night! My family and I call the Thousand Islands region of Ontario home. I'm a blogger, social media geek, tech, and live music fanatic. I founded Sound Check Entertainment in 2010 to help promote festivals and emerging artists from across Canada and the world! I now act as festivals liaison, manage media relations and, of course, cover events in the National Capital region. I'm also a diehard Habs fan but Sens fans fear not; as long as they aren't playing against my Habs I cheer just as loud for the Sens.

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