Creativity Magazine

Walk With Me

By Vickilane
Walk With Me
Yesterday morning Layla and I walked down to the pond.
Walk With Me
Rue anemones were blooming at wood's edge.
Walk With Me
It was a perfect day -- clear and bright and a little cool.
Walk With Me
Wild geranium.
Walk With Me
The fragrance of the wisteria was heavenly!
Walk With Me
Not sure but this might be a Wood anemone. Tell me if I'm wrong.
Walk With Me The trees are leafing out.
Walk With Me
The Osage Orange blossoms smell almost as good as the wisteria.
Walk With Me
So many shades of green!
Walk With Me
John pruned the wisteria hard last year -- and now the pond house wears it like a hat instead of an all-covering garment.
 Walk With Me
I love the reflection of those trees.
Walk With Me
Can't stop taking pictures -- the wisteria is such a fleeting joy.
Walk With Me
Really, that's enough. Look at the color of the leaves on this seedling maple . . .
Walk With Me
Or these three sentinel trees at the graveyard on the hill.
Walk With Me
And that was just a taste -- I took an even hundred pictures yesterday and edited them down to fifty-four -- some of which I'll be posting this week.  Spring is surely my favorite season.  Walk With Me

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