Lifestyle Magazine

Vintage Twee and Nia Fiori Come out to Play

By Claire

photo credit Chris Hanley Photography (37)Cre­ative explo­ration is a mar­vel­lous thing for any wed­ding busi­ness. Imag­i­na­tion is why wed­ding blogs were invented. It’s why we admire top design­ers who are mak­ing waves — the likes of Ian Stu­art and David Fielden, the inno­va­tors of our industry.

It’s also a hell of a lot of fun.

photo credit Chris Hanley Photography (36)
For Vin­tage Twee’s Joanne Lin­der and artist and designer Nia Fiori, cre­ativ­ity is the heart of their wed­ding busi­nesses. I watched, intrigued, as my two friends, together with the fab­u­lous Chris Han­ley Pho­tog­ra­phy, devised a shoot which would explore the very core of their two brands.

Joanne and Nia’s will­ing­ness to let their hair down and play was just bril­liant. The shoot they dreamed up looks right into the heart of their busi­nesses, paint­ing Vin­tage Twee in eccen­tric per­fec­tion­ism and play­ing with Nia Fiori’s love of bur­lesque and fine art.

I love their promo shoot, which for me puts a whole new light on pro­mot­ing a brand image.

photo credit Chris Hanley Photography (35)

The Weirdly Won­der­ful Banquet

Part one of the brand­ing shoot paints Jo’s alter ego Vin­tage Twee as prim & proper, very lady­like and sweet, while Nia Fiori’s artist per­sona is  cheeky, mis­chie­vous, with twinkly eyes & look­ing like she’s up to no good! As Jo sips her tea del­i­cately from one end of a ban­quet­ing table, lus­ciously draped with flow­ers and lace, pinks and pas­tels, Nia tempts her to the darker side of the ban­quet with an over the top pink cake, black icing and a naughty glint in her eye!

photo credit Chris Hanley Photography (31)
photo credit Chris Hanley Photography (32)
Vin­tage Twee is the work of Joanne Lin­der, who designs and cre­ates a delight­ful range of wed­ding table dec­o­ra­tions, favours, sta­tionery acces­sories and paper treats. Joanne offers a per­son­alised ser­vice mak­ing wed­ding acces­sories from vin­tage music sheets and ephemera, pearls, jew­ellery and lace. The grow­ing suc­cess of Vin­tage Twee is down to Jo’s ded­i­ca­tion and atten­tion to every per­fect detail — this is the life­long dream of a lit­tle girl who grew up lov­ing her ‘mak­ing box’ and turned her pas­sion for crafts into some­thing really spe­cial.

photo credit Chris Hanley Photography (28)
photo credit Chris Hanley Photography (26)
photo credit Chris Hanley Photography (24)
photo credit Chris Hanley Photography (23)
photo credit Chris Hanley Photography (21)
photo credit Chris Hanley Photography (20)
Marry Me Films joined our project and came up with an amaz­ing idea for a pro­mo­tional film for Vin­tage Twee and Nia Fiori, con­trast­ing Jo’s prim and proper brand with Nia the artist’s naughty side. Watch three min­utes of fan­tas­tic pro­mo­tional footage here:

After­noon Twee with a slice of Fiori Cre­ative Shoot from Marry Me Films on Vimeo.

Show­girls at Work

Part two of the shoot has Vin­tage Twee hard at work at her desk, sur­rounded by vin­tage music sheets with a gramo­phone to com­ple­ment her organ­ised chaos as she com­poses her next mas­ter­piece. Mean­while in the artist’s stu­dio next door Nia Fiori is con­cen­trat­ing on her can­vas illus­tra­tions, fid­get­ing and very animated…

photo credit Chris Hanley Photography (19)
photo credit Chris Hanley Photography (7)
photo credit Chris Hanley Photography (18)
photo credit Chris Hanley Photography (15)
photo credit Chris Hanley Photography (14)
Nia Fiori is an eclec­tic mix of con­trolled doo­dles, impul­sive designs & an obses­sive fix­a­tion with all things paper & pretty.  Nia com­bines her play­ful per­son­al­ity with a wealth of artis­tic experience/qualifications to cre­ate the colour­ful, sophis­ti­cated & styl­ish designs you see on the web­site. All work is hand­made by Nia, with care­ful atten­tion to detail & only using the high­est qual­ity mate­ri­als to pro­vide you with a beau­ti­ful, unique piece of art­work. Noth­ing is mass pro­duced, and every­thing you see can be per­son­alised espe­cially for you.

Nia fiori’s Wed­ding Boudoir is filled with themed wed­ding sta­tionery, excit­ing invi­ta­tions which trans­late beau­ti­fully to on the day sta­tionery. Her Card Bou­tique is where you will find a unique range of greet­ing cards for every occa­sion and spe­cial event. Nia Fiori designs are cre­ated in her stu­dio in Wors­ley Vil­lage, Man­ches­ter. Nia is also qual­i­fied artist/designer with a BA (Hons) in Inter­ac­tive Arts & a qual­i­fied 11–19 Art Teacher.

photo credit Chris Hanley Photography (6)
photo credit Chris Hanley Photography (1)
photo credit Chris Hanley Photography (9)
This shoot involved the tal­ents and imag­i­na­tions of the very best wed­ding cre­atives from around Man­ches­ter. Strik­ing flo­ral fea­tures from the acclaimed Red Flo­ral Archi­tec­ture added romance and drama. Red Floral’s Mat Hep­ple­stone styled the shoot with mag­nif­i­cent flo­ral dis­plays and roman­tic vin­tage bou­quets and accessories.

With her skill in cre­at­ing beau­ti­ful, glam­orous vin­tage hair styles Bethany Jane Davies sculpted the girls tresses into breath­tak­ing glory. Exag­ger­ated eyes and enchant­ing make up was the work of Neirn Khi­amsap.

The images shown here are the work of Chris Han­ley Pho­tog­ra­phy. Renowned for his sophis­ti­cated and artis­tic wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy, Chris also loves cre­ative shoots like these — the eccen­tric ban­quet set­ting and dra­matic artist stu­dio sets look fab­u­lous seen through his lens. Marry Me Films are known for their time­less and roman­tic wed­ding films, and for the lovely Sara and Tony this shoot was an oppor­tu­nity to be inno­v­a­tive and do some­thing very dif­fer­ent for a day.

With a cre­ative team, great con­cepts and a desire to play and dress up, this shoot has really made me think about brand image cre­ation. If the likes of David Fielden and Ian Stu­art can make an impact on our indus­try, then Jo and Nia have shown me how we can all turn to our play­ful cre­ative sides for inspi­ra­tion on build­ing a mem­o­rable and excit­ing brand!

For the team: Chris Han­ley Pho­tog­ra­phy, Marry Me Films, Red Flo­ral Archi­tec­ture — this kind of project is an oppor­tu­nity to show true cre­ativ­ity, to prove they’re very much at the top of their game and share an insight into excit­ing image cre­ation in every sense. I have another blog post on the way about brand image, so wed­ding busi­nesses do watch out for that one com­ing soon! You can sub­scribe for updates here.

photo credit Chris Hanley Photography (8)

See more from Vin­tage Twee below…

Vintage Twee and Nia Fiori come out to play

and admire Nia Fiori’s designs here…

Vintage Twee and Nia Fiori come out to play

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