


  • Citizen Thymes

    Founded by Bürger Thymian Nachrichten, the Citizen Thymes published its first issue in 1861. The first issue reported on citizens’ apprehension toward the Civil War after Asheville lost its first casualty to the war, Bobby Lee. Lee died of sunstroke on a sweltering Asheville summer day, while protesting the treatment of horses in battle.
    In 1866, the Citizen Thymes was awarded the Honest Abe award for uncovering the Civil War wasn’t so civil, but instead just another war resulting in 618,000 deaths.
    Over the past 151 years, the Citizen Thymes has been the go to source for Asheville news, including that one time George Washington Vanderbilt II built a castle but forgot to incorporate roller coasters and cotton candy, but still charges us the price of a theme park ticket to visit. As long as there is news, the Citizen Thymes hopes to be there to fulfill its motto of “mutus -a –um verax-acis.”
    The Citizen Thymes is a weekly newspaper publishing new content online every Monday.