Business Magazine

Twitter Followers and Facebook Fans: 2 Buy Or Not 2 Buy?

Posted on the 19 July 2012 by Brawilly @therealbrawilly
Fan_Follower Montage

Fan & Follower Sales Agencies

The need for brands to build sizable social network communities has created a new e-commerce business all on its own, perfectly in line with natural laws of demand and supply. As more and more brands are shifting from only counting faceless clicks (or are they?) to including personal interactions with actual humans, they want to reach the largest number of social netizens possible. The qualifier here is – the targeted large numbers need to be achieved AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE.

The perplexing question is whether brands should buy fans and followers as a solution to meeting their social network community development targets; as opposed to organic growth that comes with posting of compelling content that elicits desired response through likes, replies, comments, shares and advocacy?

Related post: Are social network relationships about quantity to quality?

@JojiMrwebi and I (@TheRealBraWilly) had chat on #InformUrself Twitterview about this very topic recently. Here is an amended extract of the chat:

#InformUrself - to_buy_or_not_to_buy

#InformUrself Twitterview – 2 buy or not 2 buy fans/followers

Interestingly, Mary Long argues in her recent blog post that buying of Twitter followers is a bad idea. In this post, she points out the risk that what you are buying is fake Twitter followers. Well, some overzealous companies are making it impossible with their unrealistic promises, as illustrated in a montage of adverts below.

Adverts : Fans and Followers 4 Sale

Adverts: Fans and Followers 4 Sale

LESSON FOR BRANDS: General principle is not to buy fans and followers, as this goes against the rationale for social networking. But if a brand has to buy for whatever reason, great care should be given in doing so.

Have you bought fans and followers for your brand before? What is your assessment of their quality? Leave us your comments below.

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