Fitness Magazine

Training Beast! Real Time Workout

By Tatiannalovingfit @lovingfit

Mar 4, 2015 by

Real Time Workout
Real Time Workout

Hello my Lovesies!

Finally a new workout routine

Today I’ve got another Real Time Workout and this routine is also a Full Body Routine, bodyweight and only 20 minutes long. You can either follow me in the video or do it your self at your own pace.

In the beginning we had a whole different filming set in mind, so the Leaning Push-ups were supposed to be elevated, but our filming conditions didn’t workout because of heavy cold winds and in the originally planned area. So as we were about to give up on filming that day, we decided to stay determined, moved location and I just wanted to pull through it, so happy I did!

Workout Explanation

In this workout you will only need your timer

. Set it for 1 interval of 20 minutes. There is only 5 exercises and our goal is to complete them with GOOD FORM, for as many rounds as we can, in 20 minutes.

  • Leaning Push-ups ( if you can do them Elevated than do that ) – 12 reps
  • Side Lunge Push-offs – 20 reps/side
  • Crawling Push-ups – 12 reps
  • Twist Jumps – 10 reps
  • Squat Side Kicks – 20 reps

Enjoy the workout!

Hugs & Kisses,


LovingFit Facebook Page  –  My Personal INSTAGRAM

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