Debate Magazine

Timelapse Video of U.S. Flights on Thanksgiving

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Thanksgiving is one of the, if not the, busiest travel day of the year in the United States.

Below is a YouTube video, prepared by Peter Richie, showing a 20-hour timelapse of U.S. airspace from approx 2AM to 10PM EST on November 27th 2013:

  • Yellow planes represent aircraft with ADS-B (live global tracking).
  • Orange planes represent aircraft monitored by FAA tracking alone (slower rate of refresh).
  • Red planes represent aircraft that have changed their Squawk Code (may be loss of communications, a hijacking, or a general emergency).

FOTM’s joworth, who sent me the video, has the perfect description:

Like a busy bee hive

Contrast the Thanksgiving airspace to this one on a “normal” day, 4AM-4PM EST December 8th, 2012:

H/t BigGeekDaddy and FOTM’s joworth



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