Fitness Magazine

Three Best Ways to Have a Good Healthy Body

By Asghar Paracha @asghar_paracha

Having a healthy body means that you are much more guaranteed to live long and strong. While the temptation of sitting in front of the TV munching on useless crisps and popcorn sounds attractive, it can lead to a lot of diseases. When your body is not fit and fine then you are more prone to falling prey to not just the most minor of infections but also to major diseases like cardiac arrest, stroke and other issues as well.

While it is important that you should hit the gym regularly, the philosophy of eating 100 bad calories and burning them on the treadmill regularly is not a good way to practice having a healthy body. You need to change your lifestyle, give up on junk food and adopt some good eating habits. Also, being active is really important. If you have a job in which you have to sit for longer periods of time, then you have to find one such activity in which you remain mobile for at least an hour.

Be Optimistic

For being an optimist, you neither have to go on a crash diet nor you have to lift heavy weights. When you have a positive mind and you are determined to make things work for you, then nothing can stop you from doing so. Every day, stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself that you are smart, beautiful and healthy, and you will notice how this self actualization will help you in the long run. There are more ways you can be optimistic about yourself:

  • Follow bloggers who promote positivity. There is a strong hold of these social media personnel and comprise of not just celebrities but normal people like you and me as well.
  • Plan everything ahead. Even if it is your meal, your day or your workout. When you plan something ahead, you are more sure and positive of yourself. You feel more in charge as you now how you are going to tackle with everything.
  • Dress up every day and put on some make up. This may not be a usual health advice you may hear, but when you look good you also feel good. This in turn sends positive vibes to your brains making you happy and ultimately healthy. Remember that a healthy mind is the basis of a healthy body.

We  know that in today’s chaotic world you cannot be positive or optimistic all the time, yet this is something which is attainable even if seems difficult to do. Stay motivated and read inspirational material as well.

Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle

While it may sound like a cliché, but to be healthy you have to eat healthy as well. if you are into eating a lot of burgers, fries, cookies and cakes then you cannot be healthy. Even if you are on the skinny side and yet you love to fill your tummy with food full of trans fats, sugar and salt, then you have to rethink your eating habits. Irrespective of the number on your weighing machine, eating healthy should be a priority not an option. Unlike the general impression, having a healthy lifestyle is easy and achievable.

Here are some tips on how you can be healthy by just changing some of your habits:

  • Start your day by not skipping your breakfast. Breakfast is the most essential meal of the day as your body goes needs all the necessary energy to kick start your day. You can always prepare some scrambled eggs for yourself, or poached eggs if you like them sunny side up. Oatmeal is the most popular breakfast these days because of the nutritional value it contains. A glass of fresh juice or milk is an added bonus.
  • Don’t drink coffee or tea on an empty stomach. Instead enjoy your cuppa with your breakfast.
  • Have a light dinner. This is important because somehow we tend to follow the opposite. We go for a light or no breakfast and devour everything we can at dinner time. Your dinner should be the lightest meal of the day and should be taken at least 2 hours before going to bed.
  • Eat whole grains instead of the processed ones. Whole grains consist of more complex carbohydrates. Thus, they get digested easily yet give you a feeling of fullness for a long time.
  • Eat more green vegetables like broccoli, spinach, kale and lettuce for boosting your health.
  • Start cooking your own food at home. Takeaway foods are full of oil and unhealthy ingredients. When you are cooking your own food, you know what ingredients you are using and how you are using them.
  • Workout at least 3 times a week for boosting your immune function.
  • Get more fresh air.
  • Reduce the use of electronic gadgets.
  • Have at least 6 hours of sleep.
  • Drink lots and lots of water.

Pay Your Doctor a Visit

Nobody can keep the best track of your health as a doctor can. This is why it is really important that you should visit your doctor once in a while even when everything seems to be alrgith with you.

Sometimes we may suffer from lack of certain vitamins or even calcium in our body, so for this purpose, you have to take the opinion of a physician. Calcium, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients are really essential for our health. Lack of calcium can lead to weaken bones and teeth. If your body lacks in vitamin D, then you may suffer from muscular and joint pains and you may suddenly start gaining weight for no reason at all apparently.

By following the 3 steps for having a healthy body, you can live a life free from stress and worries. So, stop making excuses and start looking after yourself right now. For more articles like this visit:

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