Health Magazine

The Wonder of Change

By Nadine
I am alternately drawn towards change and drawn towards routine. I often describe myself as someone who loves a rut, until it's time for a new rut. I think I owe part of that to a childhood and early adulthood that involved lots of moving. This is my 28th home. So while part of me craves consistency the other part is always looking to the next move.
And one thing I do know and appreciate is that change is the only constant. I am still finding my way in so many things in my life. In the same way that I encourage my students to find what is right for them, I am also doing the same for myself. I feel a little like I've found a comfy bed, but now I keep adjusting things so I can sink a little deeper into this place.
What has been shifting around for me lately?
I've made some changes to my Sadhana (spiritual practice) so that it has become something I can't imagine my day without; and today I'm going to add another phase to brighten my day even more.
I may have finally found the answer for how to sit during meditation. After writing 2 blog posts on it (one in July, one this month), things have changed yet again and I'm mostly loving where I'm at but I expect some more small shifts as I sink a little deeper into it.
And my food is undergoing a shift to more vegetable based meals and less meat ones. Or at least my heart is behind that I just need my mind and taste buds on board.
And I'm sure more changes are on the horizon, since that is part of life.
I'd also like to thank Kirsty over at Yoga Kirsty for re-posting my October 12th entry.

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