Destinations Magazine

The Ukraine – Russia War in Social Media

By Mendeleyeev

Never count out the power of social media as one of the most important propaganda tools at this point in history. The Russian security services have the edge in this battle as they’ve been at it longer than Ukraine.

The photo below bears the message that Russia and Ukraine is one. One people/nation with one history.

Ukraine Rus one people one story
History may grant them a brief nod, but in what matters–relationships–Ukraine has never been allowed to step out of Russia’s shadow. Call it a “Shotgun wedding” if you must.

For readers just joining the search for truthful information on this conflict, the flags of these two countries will help you understand the photos: Ukraine’s flag is blue/gold and the flag of Russia is white/blue/red.

Russian propaganda wastes no time in reminding the world, and Ukrainians, that Ukraine is the little one (and therefore weaker), which of course explains why the weaker brother/sister is in need of constant protection from the bigger, and of course much wiser, Russia.

Democracy is the real enemy. Russians do not need such silly Western ideals, and if they do not need it, then neither do Ukrainians. Russians truly believe that they are protecting Ukrainians from the West.

Oh, those silly and mindless Ukrainians. According to the Russian pig at the left, Ukrainians are traitors.

Most Ukrainians yearn for democracy, for transparency in government, and the chance to live with European ideals of justice and economic freedoms. On the path to Europe (Европа), from their viewpoint the only thing standing in their way is Russia.

Not to be fooled by a coup which was followed by a referendum at the point of a gun, Ukrainians are angry at Russia for stealing Crimea.

As Russia continues to sent in thousands of troops to back up ethnic Russian terrorists operating in Eastern Ukraine, most Ukrainians want to sweep those invaders out of their homeland. (The stripped bugs represent Russian soldiers, wearing the stripes of the Russian ribbon of Saint George–a victory symbol from World War II.)

The caption promises that cleanliness promotes good health.

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