Destinations Magazine

The Sky is Falling! The Sky is Falling!

By Ohsocynthia @OhSoCynthia
You know what they say, "If you don't like the weather in Texas... wait a few minutes and it will change! " That was certainly true tonight. Out of the blue, the skies opened up and unleashed a holy hail storm like none other! As quickly as it began, it ended minutes later and within 10 minutes the skies were blue again.   It looks like East Dallas/Lakewood got the brunt of the storm.  NorthPark Center also took quite a hit with skylights being broken and shattered.  Where I live in Park Cities, I only got 3 measly hail stones in my yard (whew!).  Others were not so lucky. Here are some photos I came across on Facebook.
What happened at your house??  If you took a photo, post a link to it in the comments.

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

"Sinister clouds over downtown Dallas!" posted WFAA

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

La Vista near Abrams. photo: Lakewood - East Dallas Advocate

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

Sky 4 Damage Survey: Lakewood Country Club Golf Course. This is not snow, it's hail!

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

Lakewood Country Club in Dallas. (Photo: Robert Curran)

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

photo: @avose

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