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The Shoppers Have Decided! Safari Professional Nail Trimmer It Is!

By Hundidocom @hundidopuppy

Trimming your dog’s nails is very important because, more often than not, canines walk or run on the dirt. Hence, their nails accrue bacteria and harmful organisms that can trigger trivial to life-threatening diseases. Furthermore, there are tons of instances when dogs can scratch their owners accidentally. These scratches can into minor wounds that may result in fever or worse, severe infections. To avoid these scenarios from happening, buying a nail clipper for your dog to trim his nails is essential.

Amazon.com provides a list of dog nail clippers that shoppers can choose from. Among the top of the list is the Safari Professional Nail Trimmer.


What Sets Safari Professional Nail Trimmer Apart from the Other Dog Nail Trimmers?

Best described by its manufacturer, Safari,

The Safari Professional Nail Trimmer is made from the finest quality stainless steel which will give a long-lasting, sharp cutting edge. Nail trimming should be a regular part of your pet’s grooming. It is important to your pet’s well-being to keep the nails properly trimmed.

Moreover, this dog nail trimmer imparts the following tips to buyers:

  • Best suited for medium to large breeds

  • For best results, cut dog’s nails immediately after bathing

  • To make the quick of the dog’s nail visible, apply baby oil

  • Safety stop prevents injury

  • If pet’s nails are very long, cut off a small amount and wait a week before cutting again


What Do Shoppers of Safari Professional Nail Trimmer Say About the Product?

A staggering 619 reviews about the product shows a favorable result. The most helpful review about the product tagged as a help for “pooch pedicure made easy!”

If you’ve been considering trimming your dog’s nails yourself, these are a very good tool. Dogs’nails grow very quickly; they need frequent trimming. The nails are connected to the leg bones and when they get too long, can jar the animal and make walking uncomfortable–particular in dogs with hip problems and/or arthritis and other joint issues. These affordable clippers cost about what a single nail clipping does at the groomers, so it’s money well spent.

On the other hand, the most critical review about the product noted how difficult it was to use the trimmer to large dogs.


Taking everything into account though, with an average of 4.7 out 5 stars, needless to say, Safari Professional Nail Trimmer is the smart choice for everyone!

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