Life Coach Magazine

The Right Mind

By Shawnaschuh

think (Photo credit: the|G|™)

For our mid week day – let’s focus on mental health – or being in the right mind…

Joseph Fetterman wrote out 10 Mental Health Rules for us and they give us something to flex our mental muscle on – do we agree and if so what will we incorporate into our lives?

  1. Have a Hobby; acquire pursuits what absorb your interest; sports and nature are best.
  1. Develop a Philosophy; adapt yourself to social and spiritual surrounding.
  1. Share Your Thoughts; cultivate companionship in thought and in feeling. Confide, confess, and consult.
  1. Face Your Fears; analyze them; daylight dismisses ghosts.
  1. Balance Fantasy with Fact; Dream but also do; wish but build; imagine but ever face reality.
  1. Beware Alluring Escapes; alcohol and barbitals may prove faithless friends.
  1. Exercise; Walk swim, stretch – muscles need activity.
  1. Love, but Love Wisely; sex is a flame which uncontrolled may scorch; properly guided, it will light the torch of eternity.
  1. Don’t Become Engulfed in a Whirlpool of Worries; call early for help. The doctor is ready for your rescue.
  1. Trust in Time; be patient and hopeful time is a great therapist.

Here’s to your healthy mind and being in the right mind!

You Create Your Day by the way You Think! Be Present!

Go make it a Magnificent Day!

Blessings, Shawna

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