Politics Magazine

The Next Protected Class

Posted on the 26 May 2016 by Calvinthedog


I assume not too far into the future, we will have to protect the rights of these fucktards.

Soon we will hear:

  • They were “born that way.”
  • The condition is obviously biological.
  • They are not mentally ill or delusional at all.
  • People who think they are dogs really are dogs, just like men who think they are women really are women.
  • They will start calling themselves transdogs.
  • We will soon have surgery available so they can become much more dog-like.
  • They will want to take some strong drugs that actually make you act like a dog.
  • They will need separate bathrooms – one for humans and one for hudogs or whatever the Hell they are.
  • The gay community will adopt them, and GLBTQI will become GLBTQIH.
  • It will be illegal to discriminate against humans based on species identity.
  • They will not be able to go to college or get a bank account because only humans get do those things, and hudogs are not human.
  • They will scream and yell to get a new checkmark on job applications that gives you a choice between humans and transdogs or transanimals.
  • Many hudogs will be assaulted, especially when they try to use human bathrooms.
  • Police will try to pull them over when the hudogs drive cars because only humans can drive cars. They will be forced to let them go.
  • Hudogs will demand the right to pick up their legs and urinate on various standing objects to mark their territory.
  • Dog, bastard, bitch, etc. will become slurs like nigger and kike. Wait, bitch already is a slur against all women. Remember when you call one woman a bitch, you are actually calling all women bitches because women are either too retarded or have too poor boundaries such that they cannot differentiate individual women as separate autonomous beings separate from the mega-being called Women.
  • Hudogs will run in packs in the alleyways, causing disturbances. Police will not be allowed to arrest them.
  • There will be increasing cases of hudogs biting humans when they feel threatened.
  • Hudogs will petition themselves to be listed under the Endangered Species Act because they are animals and not humans and are presumably low in number.
  • Species Identity Disorder will become a highly controversial entity in the new DSM.
  • Hudogs will bark, sometimes incessantly and too often in public, creating disturbances. Police will not be allowed to arrest them.
  • When you call police to report a suspect., they will ask you, “Human or hudog?”

I am actually a lot more serious about this list than you think.

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