Lifestyle Magazine

The Next Chapter.

By Thesamanthashow


Well friends, today begins the next chapter of our lives. Z is on his way to become an officer in the United States Army. If you would have asked me 5 years ago if this is the position we’d be in, I would have said you’re crazy. Z and I both intended for his time in the military to come to a close after his 5 year commitment was up. But here we are, 6 years later and signed on for another 7. Crazy how things change, isn’t it?

We won’t be able to talk to him over the next 5 weeks, which will no doubt be a challenge for everyone. But he’s excited to be taking the next steps in his career and I’m happy he’s finally going to be in a place where he wants to be. The kids and I will be busy with school, soccer, work, and trying to sell the house. When we move to D.C. all depends on when we sell the house and when we can plan to move. Since Z and I won’t get to talk until mid-October (most likely), I will have to make decisions on my own until then. And if you know me, you know I suck at making decisions…the irony!

After the 5 weeks is up, he will be home for 3 weeks and then leave for another 5. And when that 5 weeks is up, it will be mid-December and that’s when I would ideally like us to move. That way we could just head to Ohio for the holidays from D.C. and not have to come back down here for any reason. That would be my plan in a perfect world but I’m being realistic about it and preparing for it not to happen that way. But fingers crossed we get some more bites on the house soon.

We’re also flying back to Ohio next week for my college roommate’s wedding, I can’t wait to be home for that and spend some time with friends and family. I’m sad Z won’t be there but I am super excited to see my college friends. And have babysitters


So that’s what’s going on here! We’re going to take it day by day and hope for the best. I’m going to work on being more patient and trying to get ahead in my work so I can spend more time with the kids. I know they crave attention when Daddy is gone and I am going to try my best to give it to them.

We’re super excited to start this next chapter and just hope the next few months work out the way they’re supposed to. Please keeps us in your thoughts and prayers! I truly appreciate you being here and supporting us in all we do


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