Politics Magazine

The Latest Western Media Lies About Ukraine

Posted on the 26 August 2014 by Calvinthedog

Today a few new stories appeared. The first one focused on dual independence parades, one in Kiev and the other in Donetsk. The media portray the first one as glorious, good and kind and the latter as wicked, depraved and filthy.

In response to Kiev’s parade, the rebels held a parade of their own. First they showcased a lot of captured and destroyed Ukie weaponry, including vehicles. Then they had their own parade where they marched 100 Ukrainian POW’s through the streets of Donetsk. Rebel troops walked alongside the prisoners, bayonets pointed at the marchers. Residents of Donetsk lined the streets, hurling abuse and a few objects at the prisoners. None of the prisoners were hurt by the crowd.

Behind the column were two vehicles that sprayed water on the road behind the marchers as if to symbolize that the road itself had been soiled by their presence. This part of it only makes sense if you know Russian history. In 1944, the USSR marched a column of German POW’s through the streets of Moscow. Following them were vehicles that sprayed water on the road as if to cleanse it. So you see the rebels were re-enacted that WW2 march with the Ukrainian troops representing the Nazi troops of 1944.

The media has ripped this march to shreds as if it was some sort of a horrible deed.

The truth is that it is indeed a war crime and a violation of the Geneva Conventions as it subjects the POW’s to humiliating treatment. However, in this case, I think these Ukie soldiers deserved it.

An important question is whether this was a good PR move for the rebels. I saw a Youtube upload of this march with Russian audio. All of the comments were in Russian. Most of the commenters had a negative opinion of marching these prisoners through the streets. So this may have been a bad PR move on the part of the rebels.

The second one focused on a clash far to the south of Donetsk in the cities of Mariupol and Novoazovsk where a rebel column crossed the border and attacked first the latter city and then the former. The focus here was on the fact that the column crossed the border from Russia and attacked the cities. The Western media are portraying this as either an example of Russia sending military vehicles over the border to help the rebels or else of the Red Army itself crossing the border to fight the Ukies. It is true that Russia has sent a lot of supplies, including weaponry, across the border. A week ago a column of 150 military vehicles crossed over from Russia.

However, in this case, what apparently happened was that this rebel column crossed from the war zone over into Russia via a rebel controlled part of the border, then drove along the border on the Russian side all the way down to the coast and then crossed the border again to attack the cities. So the military vehicles are not being supplied by Russia – they were already in the hands of the rebels. And the vehicles were being driven by Novorussians themselves, not Russian soldiers. At most Russia is guilty of the crime of allowing the rebels to use its territory to transit the border and then launch an invasion in the South.

Lies are continuing about the Russian relief column. Every stupid article you read about this relief column says something asinine like, “The Ukrainian government fears that the convoy is a trojan horse to allow Russia to smuggle weapons in to the separatists.” Why is this a retarded thing for the media to say? Simple, because multiple searches by both Ukrainians and the Red Cross failed to find a single weapon in any of the vehicles.

Since they were inspected by hostile to neutral forces, apparently repeatedly, how could they possibly contain weaponry? It  makes no sense, right? This was followed by weird warnings that many of the trucks were only half full. This is correct, but it was done on purpose so the trucks would not tip over. The implication was that there was something horribly devious about the trucks being half full. I know! Half of the trucks were filled with relief supplies and the other half were filled with invisible weapons!

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