Fitness Magazine

The Kaua'i Marathon -- Training Has Started!

By Lifeasarunningmom @RunningMom6
I was blessed to do a midweek long run last week and able to run it outside! It wasn't long long but the longest double digit run I have done in awhile. Yes, I have had some 11 mile days but those were running doubles days. I am not saying that those miles don't count but there is some merit to running those 11+ miles straight. I ran 12.15 miles (although dear hubby wasn't happy to hear that was all it was...he is still not convinced). I even tackled going up to the 3rd pole on the monster hill right before turning around to head back. It was a hard climb and the downhill was hard but I did it because I am running the Kaua'i Marathon this coming September and I need to be ready. 

First, here is the elevation profile for my 12.15 mile run. I am bummed because I can't figure out how to get the feet showing on the Nike Running graphic anymore. They keep changing things so I don't know if if it me or them but for all of our knowledge, the elevation range was from about 2,800' to 3,100' and you need to look really hard to see the elevation shading behind my pace profile. Not much when you see what I am doing in September. But first, my run last week....

The Kaua'i Marathon -- Training has started!

Now here is the Kaua'i Marathon....

The Kaua'i Marathon -- Training has started!


Now the first incline just scared me more than it should have right now. Now really the way you want to start a marathon but hey, I did run the Kaua'i Half Marathon way back when in 2011. This was two weeks before my very first marathon and the half and full marathon runners start out together on the same course but when the half goes to finish things up, the full veers off to the right to tackle more hills but I read that the runners get to see some amazing sights and I believe it! And my point here is if I did it then, I can do it now!

Kaua'i was magical to me and I have been wanting to go back with my family since 2011 to share the experience with them, even though dear hubby will be entertaining darling daughter while I run. I hope they we see me off but then I will convince them to go back to the hotel to enjoy a nice breakfast, play in the pool, etc. while I run. I have been told by many not to expect a PR and one 3:30 marathoner told me it took him over an hour longer on the Kaua'i course. So nope, I am not looking to break a 4 hour marathon in September (but perhaps December).

With that said, my plan is in place and posted on the fridge. I will be training with the GMP of breaking a 4 hour marathon. I am tossing in more inclines when I am on my treadmill. I am running outside more and braving the wind and rain telling myself it is making me Kaua'i tough and I will be ready. Come September I will be ecstatic, and perhaps nervous, to be make on Kaua'i and following the next leg in my running and marathoning journey. I have grown so much through each run, race, and marathon it is unbelievable! 

I have seen PR's slip away and have had great races with remarkable PR's and each one of those races are part of my story and my journey. I will still strive to break that 4 hour marathon one day because hey, why should I give it up? Because I am getting older? What kind of story is that for me? Yes, I do realize with time and age I can and will slow down one day but I am not letting go of dreams and settling for less than my best. If I am not pushing and training for that best I am only failing myself. But in that training I also listen to my body and give it the rest it needs.

My training cycle this go around is part of that. I am not doing 40+ mileage weeks over and over again to keep me at a training level that fits well with my full time job, blogging, family, and spiritual time. I want to play with my daughter and need time to sleep. Some may argue I am sacrificing a better time but this is the best I can do with what I have.

But in those miles I am focused on quality and that means some days are easy days but I will also do fartleks, tempo runs, intervals, miles at GMP, and strong finishes to help me get to where I want to be. I will be adding in running drills on top of my weekly miles and that is another reason I didn't fret if I was below 40 miles as those drill miles will add up. I will do yoga and other strength training too I am sure but have not structured them out. And I will eat well and continue to offer homemade food as much as possible. Hey, homemade tortillas are so much better than store bought and that goes with so many others things too.

I can't wait to share my journey with you and will get back into the groove of offering regular training updates as they are good for me and perhaps we can support one another in our up's and down's.

Have a wonderful day and tell me, what is on your training schedule or dream race list?

Daily Gratitude: I am thankful for my home treadmill!

Daily Bible Verse: But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” ~ Matthew 19:26

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