Home Improvement Magazine

*** The Hyaluronic Acid and Joint Pain

By Bonsoni.com @bonsoni

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a special type of protein in the human body, the. For lubrication of moving parts, including joints and muscles in their natural process, the human body produces about 3000 mg of hyaluronic acid per day.
Also it is known as hyaluronic acid, which is basically a glycosaminoglycan (GAG), a substance that acts by binding to collagen and elastin to form cartilage is known.
Hyaluronic acid is widely distributed in body tissues, including, in particular:
i) Connective tissue (muscles and ligaments)
ii) epithelial tissue (skin and organs coating)
iii) the nervous tissue (nervous system)
It plays an important role in a number of key processes in the human body, including wound healing and regeneration, cell signaling and morphogenesis. therefore, HA acts as a lubricant, an antioxidant, a shock absorber and cushion in the face of physical trauma. Since HA levels decline with age, it is important that appropriate HA supplements are used to compensate for deficiencies that result.
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A research report important in medical applications of hyaluronic acid at this point in the cavity formation and growth of bone joint while regulating bone remodeling. This particular study also emphasized the role of HA in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis by its effect lubrication and cushion the joint.
Research shows HA to enhance its anti-inflammatory support, protect cartilage anabolic and global properties that are effective to reduce pain and patient function.
In another research project that up to 80% of patients who participated in a study significant and immediate relief from the painful symptoms of arthritis later (Synvisc treated) with hyaluronic acid injections. This recreation of pain lasted over a period of 9 to 12 months, after which the injections needed to be administered.
Ha and joint pain
In 1997, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of HA for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee in the United States. It is one of the last natural remedy widely used to be recognized in the treatment of joint pain.
joint pain can get relief from the use of hyaluronic acid for a number of diseases such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are. Hyaluronic acid is said to be particularly useful, when administered in an injectable form, although oral nutritional supplements HA has also shown positive results in the recent past. In fact, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is really true medical use of hyaluronic acid in this mode.
To begin, it is important to understand the importance of hyaluronic acid in the human body. In short, HA has the following main features:
to. To ensure the lubrication of joints
b. To maintain tissue integrity
c. For the fight against bacterial invasion
re. For the skin elasticity
and. To provide molecular transport between cells
*** The hyaluronic acid and joint painWith age, the viscosity of the fluid in the joints deteriorates and becomes thinner, which negatively impacted their ability to cushion the cartilage. This eventually leads to increased friction and damage to the articular cartilage surfaces. It is for this reason that medical research on the role of supplements HA focuses now.
The capacity of hyaluronic acid to produce the damper seals again tensions to improve flexibility of the role of hyaluronic acid as a means of relieving pain. joint pain in two ways to improve sought including:
i) restoration of the depreciation of the joints, which further increases the flexibility and strength
ii) assist Increased deliveries of cash synovial fluid to lubricate joints
Interestingly, it was also noted that, when taken in combination with other dietary supplements such as glucosamine and chondroitin hyaluronic acid joints can have excellent results.

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