Destinations Magazine

The Hair-raising Names of Hairdressing Salons in and Around Bordeaux

By Invisiblebordeaux
The hair-raising names of hairdressing salons in and around BordeauxDon't ask me why but I've always been strangely fascinated by the names of independent hairdressers in France. The puns are sometimes clever, often painful and invariably memorable. And what is it about the overuse of apostrophes? 
I thought it might be interesting to compile the best names spotted in and around Bordeaux, so here is the evidence as gathered with the help of readers who submitted suggestions and photos via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Now, if you find yourself cringeing as you scroll down the page, do remember that names like these have to be cherished as one day we may wake up and notice that all hairdressing salons have magically become franchise branches of Frank Provost, Jean-Louis David and Tchip. So let's enjoy them while they last... Finally, please click here and help me choose which of these hairdressers I should visit for my next haircut!
First things first, let's get all the "tif"-related puns out of the way. The word is a familiar means of referring to hair in French and seems to result in endless possibilities for the names of salons.

The hair-raising names of hairdressing salons in and around Bordeaux

Instinc'tif, cours Gambetta, Talence.

The hair-raising names of hairdressing salons in and around Bordeaux

Coiff Laeti'f, route de Toulouse, Villenave d'Ornon.

The hair-raising names of hairdressing salons in and around Bordeaux

Infini'tif, rue Maurice Ravel, Le Haillan.

The hair-raising names of hairdressing salons in and around Bordeaux

Tif fany/Tif'fany, avenue de verdun, Mérignac.

Another word which has been milked to excess is the English word "hair". Sometimes it's best if the "h" is not pronounced. Many of the following should come with their own health warning:

The hair-raising names of hairdressing salons in and around Bordeaux

Hair N'J, avenue du Général de Gaulle, Blanquefort. The similarly-named N'hair J Pro can be found in Andernos-les-Bains.

The hair-raising names of hairdressing salons in and around Bordeaux

Sup'hair Look, avenue d'Eysines, Le Bouscat.

The hair-raising names of hairdressing salons in and around Bordeaux

M Partn'hair, rue Esprit des Lois, Bordeaux.

The hair-raising names of hairdressing salons in and around Bordeaux

Imagin'hair, rue des Azalées, Eysines.

The hair-raising names of hairdressing salons in and around Bordeaux

Tête en l'Hair, cours Gambetta, Talence.

The hair-raising names of hairdressing salons in and around Bordeaux

L'Hair de rien, cours de la Libération, Talence.

The hair-raising names of hairdressing salons in and around Bordeaux

Diffuz'hair, avenue Roger Cohé, Pessac.

The hair-raising names of hairdressing salons in and around Bordeaux

Planet Hair, avenue Dr Nancel Penard, Pessac.

The hair-raising names of hairdressing salons in and around Bordeaux

Jenny F'hair, avenue du Rond-Point, Pessac.

Now let's move on to names that have broken through the invisible barriers of "tif" and "hair".

The hair-raising names of hairdressing salons in and around Bordeaux

De mèche avec vous, rue Porte de la Monnaie, Bordeaux. The expression means to be "in cahoots with" and "mèche" is also a strand of hair. Clever, eh?

The hair-raising names of hairdressing salons in and around Bordeaux

Au long court, avenue du Haillan, Saint Médard en Jalles. Because they can handle long hair and short hair!

The hair-raising names of hairdressing salons in and around Bordeaux

Pro'Phil, rue du Lieutenant Villemeur, Eysines. His name's Phil, he's a true pro, he's Pro'Phil!

The hair-raising names of hairdressing salons in and around Bordeaux

Headict, place Gambetta, Bordeaux. If you're addicted to hairdressing, or indeed if you wish to issue an edict, this is the place for you!

The hair-raising names of hairdressing salons in and around Bordeaux

La Boucherie, cours Evrard de Fayolle, Bordeaux. Barbershop humor that is as sharp as a butcher's knife!

The hair-raising names of hairdressing salons in and around Bordeaux

Hashtag, rue Ravez, Bordeaux (photo source: Permanently trending.

The hair-raising names of hairdressing salons in and around Bordeaux

Lady Man, rue Gambetta, Blanquefort. Is it just me or does this conjure up some disturbing images in your mind too?

Finally, this isn't name-related but I did enjoy seeing this great sign outside Planète Coiffure near the sea-front in Lacanau-Océan!
The hair-raising names of hairdressing salons in and around Bordeaux

It must be noted though that some names that I went searching for are sadly no more: Créa-tif has disappeared from the streets of Blanquefort, Start Hair in Bruges is now a Bruno Flaujac franchise, and the brilliant Hair Force One in Talence has become the far more conservative Elle & Lui.
  • Big thanks to contributors Gweg/ptimckenzie, Pascal Lenhof, Rosita Garcia, Muriel, Stéphanie UMDV, Martine Lohiague, Lesley Graham, Maryon Nörden and Stéphanie Calvinhac!

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