Religion Magazine

The Great Kipa Trade-in

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
The entire "Chardak" campaign against Haredi soldiers in the IDF has been upsetting, disturbing and troublesome. It has been violent - physically, verbally, and mentally - and it has been tearing the community apart. From beginning to end. From the posters with the pig faces and the verbal attacks all the way to the public "shaming" of the soldiers and especially the physical attacks in various shuls in some Charedi strongholds. All of it.
Until now.
The latest stage in the Chardak campaign is actually cute and initially made me chuckle.
The great kipa trade-in Supposedly the next stage will be a campaign offering a "trade in" so these soldiers can trade in their black yarmulkas and get knitted kippot in return.
Kaminetz, the dude who was arrested for being behind the shaming, revealed (that he "heard about" this upcoming campaign and explains it that Charedim and the army are "kilayim" and contradict each other, and this trade in campaign will put the color of the kipas back in order and back in the right places.
source: Kikar
besides for the "cuteness" of the campaign, it is funny in the sense that they think the color of the kipa is so important that just by changing the kipa it solves the problem, and certain kipas are supposed to be in some places and other kipas in other places...
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