Sports Magazine

Tennis “Fixation Friday” For June!

By Kselz @TennisFixation

Tennis Fixation Friday JuneIt’s time for another Fixation Friday!  On the last Friday of each month, I list all kinds of things that I got obsessed with or fixated on during the month.  In June, I started my “Tennis Fixation Green Smoothie Summer Challenge.”  I also had a guest post (!!) on the Road to 4.5 Tennis blog.  And I’m continuing to spend hours on YouTube (getting better at tennis, right?).  Also, Wimbledon is here and I had to finally mention one of my favorite tennis movies.  Below is my list of links that preoccupied me this month.  If you see something you’re interested in, just click on the title to be whisked over to the website, video, post, etc.  So get fixated with me with my Fixation Friday list for June 2013!


Communicate to Win in Doubles Tennis – I am an avid follower of The Road To 4.5 Tennis blog and so I was absolutely thrilled when “tennisaholic” P.J. Simmons put my guest post up on his blog.  Be sure and check it out – the post has some great tips for doubles partners (if I do say so myself) and you will love P.J.’s blog.  His tagline – “Lessons from a Tennis Addict on a Quest to Become a USTA 4.5 Player.” That pretty much says it all.

Tennis Psychology Videocast: Do You Try To Play Perfect Tennis? – At times, I get completely absorbed in watching YouTube videos.  There are tons of great tennis tips on YouTube and seeing the video demonstration helps a lot.  Surprisingly, I also get a lot out of Dr. Patrick Cohn’s sports psychology videos.  He gives great tips on building up your mental game for tennis but for many other sports too.  And, if you’re a tennis parent, you definitely want to check these out for help on how you can help your child develop their own mental strength on court.  This particular video is very helpful in pointing out how shooting for perfection during a match can be very self-defeating and how to overcome that problem.

Tennis Fitness – Workouts and Exercises – This is an interesting article giving not only great tennis-specific exercises, but also talking about what fitness routines various pros use.  How does Andy Murray get in shape?  What kind of program is Roger Federer following?  How does Serena Williams get so strong?  Each of these pros has a fitness plan that is discussed here.  Even Martina Navratilova’s fitness tips are listed!


Simple Green Smoothies – So this summer I have vowed to drink a green smoothie a day to see if this “miracle” drink can improve my health and (hopefully) my tennis (see The Tennis Fixation Green Smoothie Summer Challenge for details). One of the sites that I have been frequenting because it is super informative and has tons of green smoothie info is Simple Green Smoothies. Head over here and you will be 100% convinced that green smoothies are the best way to go about getting fit and healthy.

Fully Raw Kristina – Okay, I am not going off the deep end here.  But once you start down the green smoothie path, next up is considering a fully raw vegan diet.  And while that is not for me, I have really enjoyed watching Fully Raw Kristina’s YouTube channel to see all of the interesting things she comes up with that can be made with raw fruits and vegetables.  Fully Raw peach cobbler, anyone?  Yes, it’s possible.  Plus she is very cute, plus she is from here in Houston, plus I am a member of the Rawfully Organic Co-op that she runs and have been extremely happy with the organic, mostly locally sourced fruits and vegetables I’ve gotten there.  So check out the Fully Raw videos on Kristina’s channel.

Wimbledon (the movie) – I keep meaning to do a review of this movie during Wimbledon and maybe it will happen this year but maybe it won’t.  Anyway, while it may not be the most critically acclaimed tennis-related movie ever, I love it because I love Kirsten Dunst, I love Paul Bettany, and I love the “Jake Hammond” character who is an obvious stand-in for an Andy Roddick-type (American, rocket serve, real jerk).  Plus you get Jon Favreau as an uptight sports agent, John McEnroe as a colorful former-pro tennis commentator, and James McAvoy as the ne’er-do-well brother of the down-on-his-luck-giving-it-one-last-try English tennis player who finally pulls off the miracle of winning at Wimbledon and finds love in the process.  It’s a fun movie and great to watch at this time of year (maybe that actually qualifies as my review!).

That’s Fixation Friday for this month. Let me know in the comments below what kinds of things you’re fixated on this summer as I’m always looking for new ways to improve my tennis game, get more healthy and waste hours on-line!


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