Spirituality Magazine

Teaching Notes: On The Proper Method To Bible Study

By Mmcgee4
Posted on March 13, 2017 by under Grace Thoughts

In our last Teaching Notes, we began looking at Biblical Hermeneutics – how to study the Bible for correct interpretation and application of God’s Truth. We started with Observation.

“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15

Correct “observation” is vital to handling the Word of Truth accurately. In these Teaching Notes we look at what follows Observation.

[These notes are from a Bible study class taught 40 years ago. The notes are in outline form.]

A. The Greek word methodos literally means “a way or path of transit.” The word implies orderly, logical and effective arrangement.

B. Methodical Bible study is concerned with the proper path to be taken in order to arrive at Scriptural truth. It involves the discovery of those steps necessary for achieving its goal and their arrangement in a logical and effective manner.

C. There are two main approaches open to the Bible student –

  1. Deduction — begins with generalizations and moves for their support to the particular .. it is subjective and prejudicial
  2. Induction — it is objective and impartial .. inductive Bible study demands that the student first examine the particulars of the Scriptures and that conclusions about the Bible be based on those particulars

We will use the inductive method of study in our approach to Bible truth. There are five basic steps that form this method –

  1. Observation — “the act or faculty of taking notice; the act or result of considering or marking attentively” .. it is the art of seeing things as they really are
  2. Interpretation — the determination of the meaning of what is being observed .. questions, answers, integration and summarization are the steps to interpretation
  3. Evaluation — the assessment of the worth, relevance and usefulness of the Scripture to contemporary man .. the primary task of evaluation is to analyze the statements of a passage in order to determine which its truths are timeless or for today
  4. Application — truths need to be applied personally and to others .. truths need to ring true in the words and actions of our lives
  5. Correlation — the concluding step of inductive study .. it represents the generalizations which are the outgrowths of the examination of particular passages .. the Bible student should always look for connections between Scriptural passages and statements

[Thank you for reading these teaching notes from 40 years ago. My prayer is they will be a blessing to you and your ministry. You may also find Why Study God’s Word and How To Study God’s Word helpful.]

Teaching Notes: On The Proper Method To Bible Study


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