Eco-Living Magazine

Solar Islands Could Power 30,000 Homes

Posted on the 29 October 2012 by Ecoexperts @TheEcoExperts

Solar Islands Could Power 30,000 Homes
ISLANDS made of solar panels could power thousands of homes in even the most densely populated countries.

Norwegian researchers DNV unveiled their design for a brand new renewable energy source at Singapore International Energy Week last Thursday (October 25).

They propose about 4,200 solar panels could be linked together to form a football stadium sized island, then floated of the country’s coastline. The structure could be linked with others to produce enough electricity for 30,000 people.

The concept, named SUNdy, is made possible using 560W thin film solar panels, which are lighter and more flexible than traditional glass-based modules, allowing them to move with the waves on the sea's surface.

A spokesperson from energy efficiency specialists The Eco Experts said: “As we use up fossil fuels and their prices go up and up it is important we look at other ways to generate energy.

“These solar islands are a great idea, not only will it offer thousands of people fuel security, it will also provide an alternative to expensive and environmentally unfriendly mineral fuels. We look forward to seeing this proposal move forward.”

Bjørn Tore Markussen, Chief Operational Officer for DNV KEMA Energy and Sustainability Asia said: “Many countries are turning to solar technology and renewable energy because of a need for alternative energy sources and environmental concerns.

“This is particularly so in highly populated countries which need more and more energy to supply their booming economies. We firmly believe the SUNdy floating solar field concept offers sound and sustainable development prospects, particularly in Asia and the congested coastal megacities where there’s limited opportunity for rooftop solar power and urban areas which command premium prices for large-scale mounted solar production.”

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