Food & Drink Magazine

Sojami: Tartimi Spread with Garlic & 5 Sort of Peppercorns: Review!

By Sophies Foodie



It is a French product. The name Tartimi comes from the French word: tartine, meaning bread slice,…:)

This Vegan, Gluten-Free Tofu spread with garlic & 5 sort of crushed peppercorns is amazing & just fantastic in flavor too. A few days ago, I could taste it @ my local Bio-planet. I think this is like the vegan version of Boursin with garlic & peppercorns! It tastes the same but has no lactose & dairy in it! You can’t taste the soy at all! That is what I like!

I read on the package that you could use it as a spread on bread, crackers & baguette but you could also use it to cook with! I can imagine it stirred through a spelt pasta dish! Yummm! :)

The ingredients are all organic: Lacto-fermented tofu: 92%, extra virgin olive oil, not refined sea salt, oregano infusion, 5 sort of crushed peppercorns, infusion of garlic & garlic. That is it. You can read it in Dutch here, straight from the package:


Keep it in the fridge!

What does it cost you? Well, for a package of 125 gr is was: 2.63€. This is my favorite tofu spread, like ever! x MMM


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Sojami: Tartimi spread with garlic & 5 sort of peppercorns: review!

Filed under: Reviews, Vegan, Vegetarian
Sojami: Tartimi spread with garlic & 5 sort of peppercorns: review!

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