Eco-Living Magazine

Slyers Lane Wind Farm Proposal – Public Exhibition 22nd September

Posted on the 15 September 2014 by Dorsetenergized @dorsetenergized

The Planning Application for a Wind Farm at Slyer’s Lane, nr Charminster, is going to planning in 1-2 weeks so public consultation will be starting around end of September.

The developer, Broadview, are holding their Final Public Exhibitions next Monday 22nd September at:

Charminster Village Hall: 1.00 – 3:30  DT2 9QL
Herrison Hall , Charlton Down: 5.30 – 8.00  DT2 9UA

They are going to have the visualisations (photomontages) plus their latest images showing what the wind farm will look like from several different sites.

Broadview are also bringing along documents and reports that are be submitted with their application for people to look at. Good chance to know what their final plans really are and a last chance to ask questions.

About the visualisations:

Everyone,whether for, against or undecided, realises that the wind turbines will be seen from some places. Broadview, to satisfy planning requirements for Landscape Assessments, have had to follow strict protocols in producing the visualisations and they have followed the Scottish Natural Heritage guidance. Thus coming to the exhibition is a chance to  get as accurate an idea of what the proposed Wind Turbines will look like in the landscape as can be produced professionally for the planners.

Broadview Energy`s online information (including visualisations) regarding Slyers Lane, can be found – Here

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