Society Magazine

Six In Ten Brits Consider Themselves ‘Touchy Feely’ and Affectionate

Posted on the 30 January 2016 by 72point @72hub
Six In Ten Brits Consider Themselves ‘Touchy Feely’ and Affectionate


Brits need three hugs a day - and are most receptive to one at around 4pm, according to new research.

The study of 2,000 adults also found Aberystwyth is the most affectionate town in Britain.

The Welsh town tops the list of most hug-friendly places in the UK, with residents giving out an average of more than three hug​s a day to friends, relatives, and even work colleagues.

​Aberystwyth beat Aberdeen, Portsmouth, Worcester and Bristol​ to the top of the cuddle chart​.

But at the other end of the scale, Coventry is home to the most "anti-huggers" - with the average resident handing out only one embrace a day.

The poll,​ by UK short break provider Center Parcs also found six in 10 consider themselves to be "touchy feely" and affectionate, with the average UK adult giving just under three hugs a day.

Colin Whaley, Sales and Marketing Director at Center Parcs, said: "Britain may have a reputation for having a stiff-upper lip but the results suggest some British people are actually really affectionate and quite willing to express their feelings.

"Hugging fulfils a basic human need - even the least affectionate among us would struggle to feel better after a good hug.

"For those of us who don't give or receive hugs all that often, perhaps Aberystwyth can inspire the rest of the UK to follow its lead."

Eight in 10 of those polled hug their family and nearly seven in 10 hug their friends, while one in 10 admit to never hugging anyone.

Two thirds of people consider their family to be affectionate and over a quarter said their mum is the biggest hugger in the family - followed by daughters and then by sons.

Less than half of respondents however said they hug their parents - although two thirds of people in York cuddle their mums and dads.

It also emerged three quarters of people hug others as a sign of affection and half of those polled hug one another as a form of greeting or to say goodbye.

Over half of Brits prefer to greet someone by saying hello with no physical contact while a fifth opt for a handshake and 12 per cent like to give someone a hug.

A third of those surveyed said their favourite thing about hugging is that it makes them feel happy, while nearly a fifth said their favourite thing is it "enhances" their relationships.

Colin Whaley added: "As a Dad, nothing makes me happier than a bear hug with my three boys, and it's great to hear that, even in today's hectic world, so many families still make time to hug each other.

"At Center Parcs we see first-hand thousands of families spending quality time together and I think we could give Aberystwyth a run for its money in terms of the most affectionate place."

Britain's most hug-friendly locations

1. Aberystwyth
2. Aberdeen
3. Portsmouth
4. Worcester
5. Bristol
6. Wolverhampton
7. York
8. Plymouth
8. Birmingham
9. London
10. Newcastle


Six In Ten Brits Consider Themselves ‘Touchy Feely’ and Affectionate
Six In Ten Brits Consider Themselves ‘Touchy Feely’ and Affectionate

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