Dating Magazine

Seduced by Sergio

By Brianaschuck

It’s a regular Thursday night. I leave work a little later than usual. No parking out front. I pull my car around to the alley and make my way to the back door. No porch light guiding my way. I fumble with keys, eyes squinting. Before I can even turn the lock, the door flings open with a mighty gust. I retract as an arm comes flying out towards me. With a stinging SLAP, a paper sign is smacked upon the door. It reads, “Goddess Spa, please knock.”

“Hello, hello, welcome, come in now, you are late!” booms an accented and pushy voice.

Still no light to aid my confusion, I peer inside to find an eccentrically dressed man: fashion jeans complimented by a white embroidered blouse (unbuttoned past the nipples mind you), scarf flung around the neck and a fedora to top it all off.  Reading my thoughts, he says, “I am Sergio, this is my spa, you are late!”

Who is this guy? Does Dave have someone over? Is he Russian? Well he is Eastern European that’s for sure.

Taken by the hand, I am dragged through the house, brought to the living room and ordered to strip. Sergio holds up a robe and insists, “You take clothes off. You shower before treatment. Come on, come on, you last appointment of day. You are late. We stay open just for you.”

WTF? I have no idea what is going on, but I go with it because….. hey, I want to!

Led (or more accurately dragged) to the bathroom, Sergio runs the hot water in the shower and looks at me like…”well come on dummy, get your ass in there.” He does a quick CLAP CLAP and tears my robe off my now naked body. I step into the spray and go to closed the curtain, but Sergio is already there, loofah in hand, ready to scrub me down! This feels wildly OUTRAGEOUS and my surprised self can do nothing but giggle.  Allowing every inch of my smooth skin to be lathered by this man feels decadent, luxurious, and a little wrong. But again, I am the Pleasure Goddess, so I just go with it. Luscious receiving is key! Thank you, more please.

I am ordered to rinse. Sergio informs me that my masseuse Hans is ready for me. He disappears.

Out in the hallway, I am greeted by a handsome American, sweet smile, strong body, muscles flexing out of his sleeveless tee. Oh baby! You can tell this guy likes to rub down the ladies.  “Hello, I am Hans, I will be your massage therapist this evening. Is this your first time here?”

My bedroom has been transformed into a feast of the senses. Lights are dimmed, candles burning, soft music plays from an unknown source. The bed is covered in fresh sheets with pillows and bolsters. Absolute Heaven!

Hans is a miracle worker. As he dribbles hot wax onto my back, he peppers in a little conversation. “So, where you from?”  I melt into the moment and allow this man to nurture every peak and valley of my supple form. His long, languid strokes seduce my better judgment and soon he is inside of me. We are one, wrapped in the sensual essence of the plumeria candle that still flickers in the corner.

At the conclusion of my….uuhh hummm “massage,” Hans leaves the room to get me some water. I sit up in bed and shake my head. What just happened?

If you haven’t already guessed it, Sergio and Hans were the same person, both of whom just happen to also be my boyfriend, David. What an absolutely amazing and ridiculous man! How blessed can one goddess be? (Hint: the number is infinite! For ALL us goddesses! ). “How did this possibly happen?” I think to myself.  Oh yeah!……it dawns on me! I guess I did ask for a massage this afternoon!

I am continually overcome with the magic that continues to unfold as I ask for what I want. Not only did I manifest a man who fits my desire list to perfection, BUT as I continue to desire, he continues to be that which I want and MORE! Truly remarkable and seriously pleasurable!

I am so committed to helping every woman design and manifest every drop of her Pleasure. Do you desire your dream man? You ideal home? The perfect job? More love, peace, grace and fun? I believe that EVERY single woman is capable of conjuring up her every yearning…AND she can have a blast while doing it! If this pulls on your heart strings, and you feel desire burning within you, but don’t know where to start, please contact me and let me know you would love my support.

I am so thrilled to stand for women getting what they want! Life is so luscious for everyone when a woman is in her pleasure!

[email protected] COMING SOON!
Remnants of Sergio

Remnants of Sergio

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