Current Magazine

SCOTUS to Decide the Legality of “Gay Marriage”

Posted on the 27 March 2013 by Real Talk @talkrealdebate2012

Gold Wedding RingsToday the Supreme Court of the Unites States (SCOTUS) began proceedings in the case to overturn the ban on legalized “gay marriages” in the state of California.  Although it will be months before the ruling is revealed, many have already begun speculating that the justices will rule in favor of “gay marriage” proponents.  As of now “gay marriage” is illegal in 40 states and furthermore is not recognized by the federal government.

Last year, President Obama changed his opinion on the matter after experiencing an “evolution.”  I’ll let you decide if his “evolution” was based on low polling numbers or if he truly had a “change of heart.”  The same could be said for Senator Rob Portman’s decision to now support the cause because his son is gay.  I don’t know if I really believe most of these politicians on this issue.  They aren’t dumb (contrary to public opinion).  They know when the political climate is changing and last year’s election was quite indicative that groups that feel ignored will unify and affect the outcome of an election. 

Last September I shared my views on gay marriage.  You might ask why you can trust my opinion on the matter.  First, I am not a politician.  I’m also not famous.  I have nothing to gain or lose from what I say.  Not that that would change my opinion anyway.  I can be stubborn sometimes.

I have a problem with people who automatically think one is a bigot or a homophobe because they are against “gay marriage.”  I don’t think I am either of those two labels.  My opinion on the matter is somewhat complicated.  Technically I am against “gay marriage.”  However, and this is the most important part, I am for EQUAL RIGHTS.  The fact that the Supreme Court even has to rule on this issue is rather ludicrous.  How can you tell a couple they aren’t warranted the same benefits (financial, legal, etc.) because of their sexual orientation?  How can that possibly be constitutional?

It is ridiculous that our federal government does not recognize same-sex couples.  Funny how they recognize them when it comes to collecting taxes.  I’ve always advocated civil unions in which same-sex couples get EXACTLY the same the benefits as married, heterosexual couples.  Anything otherwise is unconstitutional.

I’ve debated this issue quite a bit.  Many people will tell me that my religious beliefs should not be embroidered with federal or state law.  Marriage is derived from a religious union; thus creating my conundrum over legalizing “gay marriage.”  My issue is the phrase “gay marriage.”  I also have a problem with the federal or state government forcing a religious institution to perform a ceremony which contradicts the doctrines of their respective religions.  Religious institutions should not be penalized for refusing to perform “gay marriages.”  Otherwise I think that would be an infringement on their religious freedom.  And that would be unconstitutional.

I think there are two solutions.

  1. One solution is to call same-sex unions “civil unions” and warrant the EXACT same benefits shared by their heterosexual counterparts.
  2. Recognize all marriages or same-sex unions as “civil unions” (at least from a state and federal perspective).

Regardless of my opinion I think that in the near future, “gay marriage” will be legal throughout the country.  I think it is kind of dumb that a gay couple has to drive to another state to gain equal benefits.

What do you think?

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Twitter: @adrakontaidis & @talkrealdebate

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