Random Magazine

Scoop Out The Tom Servo Cocktail Liquid Nitrogen Style

By Alka Narula @narulaalka
Tired of stuffy classical cocktails ? Well here is the cocktail recipe with difference from Brian Smith of Squeaky Bean’s bar at Denver  whose fanciful menu includes a trio of cocktails prepared liquid-nitrogen style – a century-old cold-freeze technique . He uses liquid nitrogen to plunge the temperature of the glass to a point where even alcohol freezes once poured in. At 40 degrees below zero, the liquid nitrogen boils and evaporates, priming the glass for Smith’s pre-made concoctions, which turns into solid ice before gradually thawing.Smith’s liquid-nitrogen process allows the imbiber to essentially have two cocktails in one: A frozen one – and the original  once the drink is thawed ..#cocktail #thetomservo #drinks #recipe
Scoop  Out The Tom Servo  Cocktail liquid nitrogen style
2 oz   Tequila Astral
1 oz   Fresh Grapefruit juice
.5 oz  Fresh Lime
.5 oz  Agave Syrup
         Liquid Nitrogen
1)To prepare the cocktail glass to save it from shattering it needs to be chilled below 40 degrees
2)Rim the glass with salt before filling with liquid nitrogen to the brim. While the liquid nitrogen is settling down , shake the ingredients and strain. Ensure that the liquid nitrogen has boiled away or pour out the residue if any - now is the time to pour the cocktail into the glass. Initially you will enjoy the cocktail as a liquid but gradually it will freeze into a very velvety sorbet texture from the walls of the glass can be scooped out with a spoon.

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