Politics Magazine

Robert Stark Interviews Tila Tequila

Posted on the 02 September 2016 by Calvinthedog

Look, Robert Stark is one of my best friends in the whole world, and I really do mean that, but this interview…I don’t know what to say…well, it’s the silliest one he has ever done. It’s not his fault actually because the person he interviewed here is a Certified Idiot. Yes, she is beautiful and a hottie and bla bla bla all that, but she is also an idiot. A real, true blue, dyed in the wool idiot.

I do not mean to insult her intelligence as some have done. She is 3/4 Vietnamese and 1/4 White from good stock on both sides, so that leaves one with at least a 100 IQ. I did not get the impression listening to this interview that she is unintelligent. Actually, for someone with a reputation for being a slut airhead, I thought she was rather smart comparatively. Viets are smart. They are about as smart as Whites (Viet IQ = 99, White IQ = 100), but they seem to achieve even more, which I do not understand. Perhaps this is down to extra-IQ factors that I discussed before.

Instead of being unintelligent, she is merely a fool. A nut. A kook. A whackjob. You get the picture. Go the SPLC site and read about all of her insane transformations down throughout the years – her most recent one being a Vietnamese Hitler-loving Nazi (no, I am serious). The one thing I get out of all of this nonsense is that she is some publicity loving celebrity who learned in Hollywood that all publicity is good publicity (not really true by the way) and is now trolling the world based on this noble concept.

Either that or she actually is nuts. Or she is just another crazy broad in the MRA sense that “all bitches are crazy.” Or…or…or…I think maybe this is all just a big troll, but she is too dumb to figure that out. Anyway, intentional or not, it’s a great troll. Good job Tia! You are tied with the Donald in the Trolling IRL category. Yay!

So I offer this interview. Nothing in this interview makes much sense, but then it is just some ditzy airhead broad anyway. She used to be a totally stoned-out Hollywood whore who even made porno flicks. Yep, she made a great lesbian porn flick with two very hot porn stars, and all you perverts (males) on here really need to go search for that and go watch it right this minute. That’s an order! Just make sure you are somewhere where you can whip it out while you watch it because you may have to. It’s hot! Tia is a hot lesbian porn star! Yay!

A typically perpetually confused modern woman, Tia has trendily changed her sexual orientation all over the place down through the years for no particular reason except I guess to be groovy. She came out as “lesbian” or something a few years ago, but she has always loved the cock, so that’s a lie.

Now she’s a Mom, off drugs and done slutting around on the Cock Carousel or Pussy Carousel or whatever, had a baby with some White dude, and she’s a nice, conservative Mom, I kid you not. No really. A nice girl you want to bring home to Mom. Against porn and slutting and doping and all that degenerate stuff. Yet another reformed sinner that found redemption, except this time in the Alt Right instead of Our Lord.

The silliest part of this whole interview which takes up most of it is that Tia Tequila, who is not even White is actually a gook, is all down with White nationalism or White supremacism or whatever the Alt Right does. So she’s a Viet Nazi. Actually a Viet Nazi who is psychotic and harbors the delusion that she is White.

I knew Asian girls had an inferiority complex, but come on. She goes on through most of this interview talking about being White, the White race, White genocide, bla, bla, all the White nationalist talking points. Tia the White nationalist! Except for that one trivial thing, you know, her not being White and all that. But no matter, hand wave. She thinks she’s White, so she’s White. I think I’m a giraffe, so tomorrow I will start eating leaves off trees. I hope they don’t arrest me.

Preposterously, the interviewers, apparently entranced by the pussy, go along with this facade of Gook as White Woman. Look Tila, I love Viet women, I really do. But they ain’t White, ok?

I have no idea why she is doing this.

The whole Alt Right is going along with this silliness. “Yes!” they scream with their dicks in their hands, “Tila is White!” I think the only reason they say this is because they are caught in a perpetual masturbatory trance about this bimbo, but hey. Any real White nationalists know that’s she’s obviously a gook, yeah, a hot one, but a gook fish-head nonetheless.

Gooks are pretty cute, but they ain’t White. If you let the gooks identify as White, your White genocide with happen faster than a bullet train, as most White guys will trade in your typical BPD/NPD/ASPD White woman for a Dragon Lady/China faster than a Manhattan minute. So I guess these Alt Right guys are cool with a White/Asian super-race extincting the White race? I would be, as the Asians would improve the stock, but it does run into the usual genocide question.

I asked Robert about this ridiculous interview, and he told me that Tila says her skin is White so she says she is White. Sorry, homegirl, that line don’t play with the Nazis. They ain’t fooled by such sophistry. Gooks are as much of a treat to the integrity of the White race as Mestizos or Blacks or whoever. Probably worse due to the White man’s tendency towards Rice King transformation.

Anyway, for your entertainment, the most preposterous interview Robert ever did with his silliest guest ever. Tia Tequila, Presente!

Robert Stark interviews Tila Tequila

August 12, 2016 / robertstark / Leave a comment

Robert Stark interviews Tila Tequila

Robert Stark and co-host Alex von Goldstein talk to Tila Tequila

Topics include:

How Tila was the first person to catapult social media into what it is today.
How Tila became disillusioned with the degeneracy and emptiness of Hollywood.
Tila’s response to people who say she is a hypocrite for speaking out against degeneracy.
Blackmail, character assassinations, and censorship in Hollywood.
Drug addiction.
Meditation and spirituality.
Conspiracy Theories & The Green Pill.
How Tila was the first celebrity to openly endorse Donald Trump.
The Japanese Vaporwave Donald Trump Commercial.
How Tila’s views have evolved and her interest in the Alt-Right.
How Tila’s original fans have reacted to her views and her new fans on the Alt-Right.
How becoming a mother has changed her outlook on life.
How Tila’s Normie friends have reacted to her views.
Trolling and Meme Culture.
Tila’s upcoming appearance at the National Policy Institute in D.C.

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