Current Magazine

RIP J Christopher Stevens

Posted on the 12 September 2012 by Flip

NO one likes the phrase “I told you so” ~ particularly in this context…

But the shocking lynch mob murder of US Ambassador to Libya J Christopher Stevens leaves me sickened particularly as I look back at the article I wrote on this blog back in October 2011…

The prophetic title Gadaffi Murdered Long Live the Murderers is a chilling reminder of what’s really going on in this world…

Reports are saying the “riot” was sparked over a film that is apparently blasphemous to Prophet Mohamed…

Egypt was also the scene of rioting with the embassy stormed, the Stars and Stripes ripped down and replaced with an Al-Qaeda flag, and all this after news channels repeatedly showed clips of the film over a period of days ~ talk about whipping up a storm…


Was it only a few short months ago that Sarkozy and Cameron were in Libya and hailed as heroes..?

Worse yet was it only a few months ago that Cameron, and before the smoke had settled and the bodies buried, was in Egypt selling arms..? It beggars belief…

I guess we really are now in the Arab Autumn and we all know what follows the Autumn…

But you don’t need to be lectured by an old has been hack like me over things I know little about, what you have to do is look beyond what you’re told ~ as I did. Then the fog and mirrors of Governments and the mainstream (read shamestream) media slowly dissolve and the brutal truth dawns on you, slowly at first then like a wildfire it will rip through you shattering everything you’ve ever been told, believed possible or trusted…

The leaders you think you put in charge are mere puppets in a global despotic game of life and death played out by the real rulers of the world. Countries and people moved around, slaughtered, sold out and bartered like pawns.

Here he goes again I hear my family and friends say, Neil’s off on one of his silly conspiracy theories. It was just a bunch of fundamentalists who hate America ~ let’s bomb the bastards ~ get feet on the ground ~ yada yada yada…

New World Order

If you cannot grasp the fact that those involved in the storming of the American embassies in Libya and Egypt, were a hardcore of the so called “freedom fighters” armed and backed by the West during the Arab Spring, then I urge you to look for yourself. Ask the question if they can do this what else can they do..?

Syria anyone..?

Look 5 years ago I took all I saw and was told about the world at face value…soaked it up as it was drip fed to me. In another post I plan to explain my awakening, but until then I can only shudder at what the future holds, what has happened since 9/11 and what will continue happening unless we start realizing, the world is not as we see it…

Search for: Illuminati – New World Order – Bilderberg…

Read: Daniel Estulin ~ Michael Tsarion ~ David Icke ~ Alex Jones

These guys come at the concept of a shadow world government from very different angles, but all reach the same conclusion, with a ton of proof ~ hard data ~ along the way, that not only proves there’s a cabal of megalomaniacs at the top of the pyramid, but what their intentions are, and it will truly shock you…

Read until your eyes bleed and research research research. Pretty soon a picture will emerge, a picture that will unsettle, worry and anger you. But it will emerge. Trust me if any of these guys are even 1% close to the truth, that’s more than enough reason to worry…

I don’t know if J Christopher Stevens was a good man, but I know if the Libyan “rebels” had not been armed and assisted by the West and Gadaffi was still around, he would still be alive today. My thoughts go out to his family…

Please read (warning disturbing images): J Christopher Stevens Lynched

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